Lacuna crassior

Photographer / copyright holder
Steve Wilkinson
Length = 12mm. Collected from Sandwich Bay, Kent on 04/04/1982.
Helping to understand, identify, record, and conserve molluscs
<em>Lacuna crassior</em> (Montagu, 1803)
Length = 12mm. Collected from Sandwich Bay, Kent on 04/04/1982.
Length = 12mm. Collected from Sandwich Bay, Kent on 04/04/1982.
Generally an Arctic species that reaches it southern limit around Britain. It has been recorded from the Channel Isles and Roscoff.
Generally an offshore species but can occur very low on the shore. Relatively little is known about its ecology but there are records of it feeding on the bryozoan Alcyonium gelatinosum.
Relatively solid shell up to about 14mm high. It has about 6 or 7 whorls that appear very stepped (pronounced) in profile.