Journal of Conchology 41 (2), November 2012

ISSN 2755-3531


Selenochlamys ysbryda in the Crimean Mountains, Ukraine: first record from its native range?

I. Balashov

Abstract. One immature specimen of Selenochlamys cf. ysbryda Rowson & Symondson 2008 subterranean carnivorous slug, was found in the collections of 1989 from the Crimean Mountains in Ukraine. By the reduced eyes, structure of tentacle retractors and large size of the body this slug corresponds well to S. ysbryda, but not to the second species of this genus—S. pallida. However, because of immaturity it is not certain that this slug belongs exactly to S. ysbryda. The specimen is compared with a specimen of S. pallida from the Caucasus. Habitat and biology of S. cf. ysbryda in the Crimea is discussed. It appears to be a native species.

Key words. Selenochlamys, Trigonochlamydidae, slugs, Crimea, Ukraine

Date of publication. November 2012


Clarification of the taxonomic status of Isomeria morula (Hidalgo 1870), from Ecuador (Gastropoda: Pleurodontidae)

Francisco J. Borrero & Rafael Araujo

Abstract. A clarification of the status of Isomeria morula (Hidalgo 1870) is given, based on the recently rediscovered, likely type specimen at Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, Madrid, Spain), and additional material from University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ, Ann Arbor USA). The available material (three specimens) comes from older collections (i.e., mid- to late 1800’s) from Ecuador. The specimen at MNCN is here designated as the lectotype of I. morula (Hidalgo 1870). Conchological characteristics are discussed and this species is fully illustrated for the first time. Comparisons of this taxon with other Isomeria from western South America and a partial key are also given, thus contributing to clarifying its status and recognizing it from other species in the genus. The geographic distribution of I. morula and its conservation status remain unknown.

Key words. Pulmonata, taxonomy, biodiversity, Neotropics, northern South America

Date of publication. November 2012


An undescribed second species of Plagyrona from Portugal (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Valloniidae)

David T. Holyoak & Geraldine A. Holyoak

Abstract. Two species of Plagyrona are recognised in western-central Portugal, P. placida Shuttleworth and P. angusta sp. nov.; the latter differs in its narrower shell with a smaller umbilicus. The microhabitats of both species are described. P. placida was found in humid woodland with living animals collected mainly from tree trunks and branches, often among mosses, but a few from moss on low rocks. P. angusta occurs in woodland and also in drier sites with few trees; it was found living on tree trunks, amongst mosses on low rocks and on vertical concrete in a garden. Their geographical ranges overlap and both species were found living together at two localities.

Key words. Plagyrona angusta, Plagyrona placida, Valloniidae, taxonomy, Portugal, microhabitats, distribution

New taxon. Plagyrona angusta Holyoak & Holyoak, 2012

Date of publication. November 2012


Redescription of Gyraulus argaeicus (Sturany 1904) with the description of two new gastropod species from Turkey (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Bithyniidae, Planorbidae)

Peter Glöer & Dilian Georgiev

Abstract. New records of freshwater snails from Turkey are presented. Two species new for science Bithynia yildirimi and Gyraulus nedyalkovi are described. In addition the junior author collected Gyraulus argaeicus from its type locality, so  the anatomy of this species is provided for the first time. Furthermore, new record of Anisus leucostoma, confirmed by the  study on its anatomy, is given. 

Key words. Bithynia, Gyraulus, Gyraulus argaeicus, redescription, new species, Turkey

New taxa. Bithynia yildirimi Glöer & Georgiev, 2012; Gyraulus nedyalkovi Glöer & Georgiev, 2012

Date of publication. November 2012


A review of the genus Ponentina Hesse 1921 with descriptions of seven new species from Portugal and Spain (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Hygromiidae)

David T. Holyoak & Geraldine A. Holyoak

Abstract. The genus Ponentina is reviewed. Characters of the distal genital anatomy in addition to shells were studied, allowing recognition of one species in Great Britain (P. subvirescens), two species in France (P. revelata and P. subvirescens) and four known species from the Iberian peninsula (P. platylasia, P. ponentina, P. revelata, P. rosai). In addition, “Trichiamartigena from Andalucia should probably be returned to the genus Ponentina, although generic distinctions between Ponentina and Trochulus are shown to be slight and intergrading. Seven new and apparently endemic species are named and described from Portugal or neighbouring provinces of western Spain. All the known species are redescribed and a key to all European species is presented, using characters from shells and genital anatomy. Nominal taxa from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia are reviewed, although only shell specimens could be studied and the generic allocation of most of them remains tentative. P. martigena is newly recorded for NW. Africa in N. Morocco. The type localities of P. revelata and P. ponentina are restricted here. Habitats of each of the species are described: all are associated mainly with open sites, often rocky places; eight species are largely restricted to base-poor habitats and tend to have small ranges, often in the mountains; one (P. platylasia) is a strict calciphile; five occur in both basic and base-poor sites, most of the latter having wide geographical ranges. Reduction of the female genitalia is characteristic of most of the species which are restricted to base-poor habitats, but present in only one of those that occur in more basic places.

Key words. Ponentina, Trochulus, Hygromiidae, taxonomy, new species, genital anatomy, shell hairs, France, Portugal, Spain, habitats, distribution

Date of publication. November 2012


A second remarkable slug and a thin-shelled Trochonanina snail from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania (Stylommatophora: Helicarionoidea: Urocyclidae)

Ben Rowson & Jackie L. Van Goethem

Abstract. Two new species of Urocyclidae are described from forest in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. The first is a large slug remarkable for its prickly mantle and very long spermatophore, the longest known among African Helicarionoidea. This is assigned to the tribe Upembellini and, albeit with some uncertainty, to Upembella Van Goethem, otherwise known only from the Upemba National Park, southern Congo basin. The second is a snail whose anatomy is typical of the widespread East African genus Trochonanina Mousson, is unusual in its thin and weakly sculptured shell. Each species’ affinity with other East African Helicarionoidea is briefly discussed.

Key words. Mollusca, Urocyclidae, East Africa, taxonomy, systematics, new species, endemic

New taxa. Upembella nonae Rowson & Van Goethem, 2012; Trochonanina mwanihanae Rowson & Van Goethem, 2012

Date of publication. November 2012


Some notes on reproductive biology and mating behaviour of Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon 1855 in Norway including a mating experiment with a hybrid of Arion rufus (Linnaeus 1758) x ater (Linnaeus 1758)

Steffen Roth, Bjørn Arild Hatteland & Torstein Solhøy

Abstract. Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon 1855 (synonym Arion lusitanicus Mabille 1868) has been spreading through Norway during the last 20 years. We present phenological and reproductive data from western Norwegian populations. Mating experiments under semi-natural conditions revealed a prolonged duration of copulation compared with other studies. In partner choice experiments using marked slugs we observed that remating occurred in this Arion species. For the first time, experimental evidence for mating between Arion rufus x ater (Linnaeus 1758) and A. vulgaris is reported which confirms other genetic and morphological studies suggesting low reproductive isolation within the larger Arion species complex. Moreover, even based on very preliminary experiments our data suggest a case for possible mitochondrial heteroplasmy in Arion.

Key words. Slug, mating, Arion species complex

Date of publication. November 2012


On the spelling of some dedication names introduced by Strobel for south Alpine terrestrial snails (Cochlostoma, Charpentieria, Neostyriaca) [Short Communication]

Bernhard Hausdorf

Date of publication. November 2012


European invaders in South America: terrestrial snails and slugs in southern Chile [Short Communication]

Lukas Landler & José J. Nuñez

Date of publication. November 2012


Book Review: Encyclopedia of Marine Bivalves; including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods by Alain Robin

Kevin Brown

Date of publication. November 2012


Book Review: The Sea Shells of Greece by Thanasis Nanousis

Kevin Brown

Date of publication. November 2012