Given that many species of mollusc are relatively small being able to examine them closely is essential both within the field and at home.
Hand lens
There are now a range of hand lenses on the market, Generally a X8 and X16 are most useful in the field and the ability to attach a lanyard is useful to allow it to be carried around your neck. Particularly if working in a marine environment it is worth ensuring the casing is stainless steel or at least something that will not be subject to corrosion.
- Northern Geological Supplies Ltd, 66 Gas Street, Bolton, BL1 4TG. Tel +44 (0)800 977 8539.
A relatively low magnification (e.g. up to about X50) stereo microscope is ideal both for sorting samples at home and examining smaller specimens.
- Brunel Microscopes Ltd, Unit 12, Enterprise Centre, Bumpers Way, Bumpers Industrial Estate, CHIPPENHAM. Wilts SNI4 6QA; Tel. 01249 462655; a good range of microscopes and accessories.
- Meiji Techno UK Ltd. Hillside, AXBRIDGE, Somerset BS26 2AN. Tel +44 (0)1934 733 655, Fax +44 (0) 1934 733660.