The content has been extracted from past issues of The Conchologists’ Newsletter, and is here arranged by collector in alphabetical order. If you would like the articles in date of publication order, click the text link.
Bernard Verdcourt wrote 31 articles on Collectors in East Africa for the Newsletter over a period of 23 years (June 1979–September 2002.) For many years he was a professional botanist with the East African Agricultural and Forestry Research Organisation before returning to Kew Gardens in about 1964 to continue working on the herbarium material there. Further information about him may be found in the article "In conversation with Bernard Verdcourt" by J. E. Reynolds (Mollusc World Issue 4, March 2004: 16–17)
We would like to include thumbnail photographs on this page and larger ones on the relevant page. If you have access to a photograph of one of the listed collectors, and are prepared to loan it so that it may be included, the webmaster would be pleased to hear from you. Please email the webmaster at:
You may reach the biography of the collector you seek by clicking on the text link below.