Join the Conchological Society

Membership of the Conchological Society is open to anyone. The Society has a range of types of membership. All members are entitled to attend all Society meetings and field meetings, and will receive the Society publications listed below. Members will also receive a copy of the Members' Guide which is published approximately every three years. This includes members' names and interests, and other useful information:


Publications sent to members and subscribers or available online


Three issues of  Mollusc World.  This is a glossy full colour newsletter, which includes articles on all aspects of Molluscs from archaeology to life in the sea, field collecting at home and abroad and even eating molluscs. It also provides updates on field meetings, research news, results from the mapping schemes and identification keys. Copies of earlier issues are available online via the link above.





Two issues of the Journal of Conchology (Open Access online). This contains scientific papers  and short communications on molluscs with emphasis on promoting conservation, biogeography and taxonomy. The contents cover, typically, descriptions of new species from anywhere in the world and reports concerning the ecology, distribution and status of molluscs.  Both living and fossil molluscs are dealt with.









Membership runs from 1 January to 31 December, but payment can be accepted at any time. Payment can be accepted by:

  • On-line transaction: Pay on-line using Paypal.
  • Standing Order or internet/telephone bank transfer. Please contact the membership department to get details of the Society's bank account. Use your membership number and name as the reference for renewals or a contact name and phone number for new members.
  • Sterling cheque, made out to The Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland: please send to the membership department to Victoria Burton, Centre for UK Nature, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD.


Please address any payment queries, specific membership queries or any more general membership queries to the Membership Secretary at