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Article Index for Journal Volume 38
- MANUEL ANTÓNIO E. MALAQUIAS, JOSÉ PEDRO BORGES & TERESA C. BORGES (2003) On the occurrence of Callumbonella suturalis (Philippi, 1836) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) on the south Atlantic coasts of Europe
- ROY ANDERSON (2003) Physella (Costatella) acuta Draparnaud in Britain and Ireland – its taxonomy, origins and relationships to other introduced Physidae
- ZOLTÁN FEHÉR (2003) Multivariate analysis of shell characteristics in Agathylla exarata (Rossmässer 1835) (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) populations and its taxonomic relevance.
- B. HAUSDORF (2003) Preliminary revision of the Monacha (Paratheba) rothii (L. Pfeiffer, 1841) species complex from the Aegean region (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae)
- R. C. PREECE (2003) Two species of Gyraulus (Pulmonata: Planorbidae) new to the British Pleistocene
- R. ARAUJO, M. QUIRÓS & M.A. RAMOS (2003) Laboratory propagation and culture of juveniles of the endangered freshwater mussel Margaritifera auricularia (Spengler, 1793)
- JON BASS, JOHN BLACKBURN & CAROLINE GIRAUDY (2003) Range extension of the 'Witham orb mussel' Sphaerium solidum (Normand) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) or an overlooked resident of the Great Ouse?
- RON CARR & IAN J. KILLEEN (2003) The cryptic occurrence of Stagnicola fuscus (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) in the British Isles
- L. M. COOK (2003) A colony of pale-lipped Cepaea nemoralis
- GERALDINE A. HOLYOAK (2003) Habitats of Vertigo moulinsiana (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) in Cornwall
- MARTIN AVERY SNYDER (2003) The genera Simplicifusus and Granulifusus (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) with the description of two new species in Granulifusus
- C. GAVAIA, M.A.E. MALAQUIAS, G. CALADO & VICTORIANO URGORRI (2004) New records of Portuguese opisthobranch molluscs
- GEERAT J. VERMEIJ & MARTIN AVERY SNYDER (2004) Pleuroploca granulilabris, a new warm-temperate Fasciolarild gastropod from Brazil
- ALBERTO MARTÍNEZ-ORTÍ & M TERESA APARICIO (2004) Taxonomical clarification of Helix semipicta Hidalgo, 1870 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae)
- B.M. POKRYSZKO & E. STWORZEWICZ (2004) A contribution to the knowledge of North Korean Gastrocopta (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Chondrinidae)
- PETER J. COSGROVE & PAUL V. HARVEY (2004) An unusual freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) population in Scotland
- SADAO KOSUGE & MARCO OLIVERIO (2004) Three new coralliophiline species from south west Pacific (Neogastropoda: Muricidae: Coralliophilinae)
- REBECCA J. RUNDELL & ROBERT H. COWIE (2004) Preservation of species diversity and abundances in Pacific island land snail death assemblages
- S. CIANFANELLI, G. MANGANELLI & F. GIUSTI (2004) A new species of Schileykiella from Marettimo (Aegadian Islands, Italy) and discussion of relationships of cilielline hygromiids (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Hygromiidae)
- MANUEL ANTÓNIO E. MALAQUIAS (2004) The opisthobranch molluscs described by the Reverend Robert Boog Watson from the Madeira archipelago (northeast Atlantic, Portugal)*
- R. A. BAKER & R.A. BAYLISS (2004) Philip Pearsall Carpenter's 'passion for shells'
- PETER RÖPSTORF & FRANK RIEDEL (2004) Deep-water gastropods endemic to Lake Baikal - an SEM study on protoconchs and radulae
- BERNHARD HAUSDORE (2004) Harmozica occidentalis new species from the eastern Pontus Mountains in Turkey (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae)
- G. MANGANELLI & F. GIUSTI (2004) Status and relationships of Vitrina musignani Pirajno, 1842, and Vitrina paulucciae Fischer in Paulucci, 1878 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Vitrinidae)
- M.L. ZETTLER, J. FRANKOWSKI, R. BOCHERT & M. ROHNER (2004) Morphological and ecological features of Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) from Baltic brackish water and German freshwater populations
- X. CUCHERAT & S. DEMUYNCK (2004) Pseudotrichia rubiginosa (Pulmonata, Hygromiinae): a snail new to France
- RICARDO SILVA ABSALÃO & FRANKLIN NOEL SANTOS (2004) Recent deep-sea species of Benthonellania Lozouet, 1990 (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) from the south-western Atlantic, with descriptions of species utilizing a shell morphometric-multivariate approach
- ROY ANDERSON (2004) Arion occultus n. sp., a new slug of subgenus kobeltia Seibert (Pulmonata: Arionidae) from Ireland
- FRANCK BOYER (2004) Description of a new Cystiscus (Gastropoda: Cystiscidae) from the Mascarene Islands.
- ROBERT A BRIERS (2004) The relationship between abundance and prevalence of trematode parasites infecting Lymnaea stagnalis L.
- BERNHARD HAUSDORF & SAMIRA GUEVARA MUÑOZ (2004) Adelopoma peruvianum new species from northern Peru (Gastropoda: Diplommatinidae)
- MICHAL HORSÁK & KATERINA NEUMANOVA (2004) Distribution of Pisidium globulare Clessin, 1873 (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with notes to its ecology and morphological characters
- KOSTAS A. TRIANTIS, MYOSIS MYLONAS & KATERINA VARDINOYANNIS (2004) Contribution to the knowledge of the terrestrial malacofauna of the island group of Dionysades (Crete, Greece)
- KOSTAS A. TRIANTIS, BEATA M.POKRYSZKO, KATERINA VARDINOYANNIS & MOYSIS MYLONAS. (2004) A new species of Truncatellina (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) from Mount Ossa (=Kissavos) (Greece)
- MIN WU (2004) Two new Angiomphalia species from China (Pulmonata: Helicoidea) extending the eastern fringe of the Hygromiidae
- TED VON PROSCHWITZ (2004) On the distribution and ecology of Vertigo substriata (Jeffreys), vertigo modesta arctica (Wallenberg), vertigo lilljeborgi (westerlund) and vertigo alpestris Alder in France and on the Iberian Peninsula
- A J MILLAR & S WAITE (2004) Patterns of shell damage among snails from a coppice woodland in Sussex, England
- IAN J. KILLEEN & BEN MCFARLAND (2004) The distribution and ecology of Gyraulus acronicus (Férussac, 1807) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in England
- MARTIN ZUSCHIN, EMILY A. GLOVER, JOHN D. TAYLOR, WOLFGANG WAITZBAUER & PETER C. DWORSCHAK (2005) Another bivalve with dreadlocks: living Rasta lamyi from Aqaba, Red Sea (Bivalvia: Lucinidae)
- E. ROLÁN & J.M. HERNÁNDEZ (2005) The West African species of the group Nassarius denticulatus (Mollusca, Neogastropoda), with the description of a new species
- MARÍA ANGÉLICA FISCHER & JUAN LUCAS CERVERA (2005) Baptodoris peruviana (D'Orbigny, 1837) comb. nov., an alternative taxonomic placement for Doris peruviana (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Doridoidea).
- R.A.D. CAMERON & B.M. POKRYSZKO (2005) Estimating the species richness and composition of land mollusc communities: problems, consequences and practical advice
- G.A. HOLYOAK, S.M. TURK & R.A.D. CAMERON (2005) Land molluscs on the Isles of Scilly: species richness and composition related to area
- GIAMBATTISTA BELLO (2005) Abraliopsis morisii vs. Abraliopsis pfefferi (Cephalopoda: Enoploteuthidae): which is the right name?
- F. GIUSTI & G. MANGANELLI (2005) The status and relationships of Vitrina polloneriana Fra' Piero, 1897, with description of Sardovitrina n. gen. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Vitrinidae)
- SONJA-B. LÖFFLER, RONALD JANSSEN, KARL R. GÜRS & MARCO TAVIANI (2005) The genus Axinus Sowerby, 1821 in the Mediterranean basin (Bivalvia: Thyasiridae)
- ROY ANDERSON (2005) An annotated list of the non-marine Mollusca of Britain and Ireland
- S. CIANFANELLI, C. MANGANELLI & F. GIUSTI (2005) New data on the systematics and distribution of the oxychiline zonitid Mediterranea depressa (Sterki, 1880) in Italy (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Zonitidae)
- EDMUND GITTENBERGER & DENNIS R. UIT DE WEERD (2005) Babylonia and Zemiropsis (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Babyloniidae), anatomy, shell morphology, distribution and DNA
- J.A. GARRIDO, J.R. ARREBOLA & M. BERTRAND (2005) Extant populations of Orculella bulgarica (Hesse, 1915) in Iberia
- G. CALADO, J. ORTEA & M. CABALLER (2005) A new species of the genus Flabellina Voigt 1834 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) from the Cape Verde Islands
- ANNA M. HOLMES, P. GRAHAM OLIVER & JAVIER SELLANES (2005) A new species of Lucinoma (Bivalvia: Lucinoidea) from a methane gas seep off the southwest coast of Chile
- MICHAL HORSÁK & MICHAL HÁJEK (2005) Habitat requirements and distribution of Vertigo geyeri (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Western Carpathian rich fens
- IAN J. KILLEEN (2005) Studies on the round-mouthed whorl snail Vertigo genesii (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) in northern England: observations on population dynamics and life history