- MANUEL ANTÓNIO E. MALAQUIAS, JOSÉ PEDRO BORGES & TERESA C. BORGES (2003) On the occurrence of Callumbonella suturalis (Philippi, 1836) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) on the south Atlantic coasts of Europe
- ROY ANDERSON (2003) Physella (Costatella) acuta Draparnaud in Britain and Ireland – its taxonomy, origins and relationships to other introduced Physidae
- ZOLTÁN FEHÉR (2003) Multivariate analysis of shell characteristics in Agathylla exarata (Rossmässer 1835) (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) populations and its taxonomic relevance.
- B. HAUSDORF (2003) Preliminary revision of the Monacha (Paratheba) rothii (L. Pfeiffer, 1841) species complex from the Aegean region (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae)
- R. C. PREECE (2003) Two species of Gyraulus (Pulmonata: Planorbidae) new to the British Pleistocene
- R. ARAUJO, M. QUIRÓS & M.A. RAMOS (2003) Laboratory propagation and culture of juveniles of the endangered freshwater mussel Margaritifera auricularia (Spengler, 1793)
- JON BASS, JOHN BLACKBURN & CAROLINE GIRAUDY (2003) Range extension of the 'Witham orb mussel' Sphaerium solidum (Normand) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) or an overlooked resident of the Great Ouse?
- RON CARR & IAN J. KILLEEN (2003) The cryptic occurrence of Stagnicola fuscus (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) in the British Isles
- L. M. COOK (2003) A colony of pale-lipped Cepaea nemoralis
- GERALDINE A. HOLYOAK (2003) Habitats of Vertigo moulinsiana (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) in Cornwall
- MARTIN AVERY SNYDER (2003) The genera Simplicifusus and Granulifusus (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) with the description of two new species in Granulifusus