Recent news

Imogen Cavadino is organizing a survey of Limacus flavus and L. maculatus in the UK. For details and how to take part, visit the project page at

PhD opportunity at Queen's University Belfast (deadline 28th February)

PhD studentship available from September 2019. Deadline for applications 7th January.

Scottish Natural Heritage are running a public consultation on recommended Gaelic names for marine molluscs from the 8th May to 19th June.

Reports from the Officers of the Society are now available to download ahead of the 2018 AGM

Revision of Prosobranch & Pyramidellid gastropods volume now available.

BBC Midlands have filmed living Vertigo moulinsiana at Chapel Mere in Cheshire, a good news story on the back of Springwatch about hidden wildlife.  It will be aired on June 5th as part of BBC Midlands local news.

The latest advances in malacology will be presented at this international conference, which provides opportunities for participants to present their work and make new contacts.   The conference is being organised by the Association of Polish Malacologists.  For further information, see  or contact Tadeusz Zając: