Published in July 2009. Has 32 pages with a mixture of black and white and colour photographs.
- Editorial Peter Topley
- Letter from your President Bas Payne
- Some introductory thoughts from the new Editor of Mollusc World Peter Topley
- Charles Darwin the malacologist Aydin Örstan and Robert T. Dillon, Jr.
- The Girdled Snail in Hampshire – an interesting mode of dispersal June Chatfield
- New Life Member: Miss Judith Nelson Julia Nunn
- Belemnites Neale Monks
- Regional meeting at Cardiff June Chatfield
- Marine Recorder's Report 2008 Jan LIght
- Old fish boxes and hidden jewels – a first record of Pseudochama gryphina from northwest Europe Jan Light
- Cuba, the landshells paradise Peter Topley
- Non-Marine Recording – Activity and Highlights 2008 Adrian Norris
- Society Website 2009 Pryce Buckle
- Treasurer's Report for the year 2008 Pryce Buckle
- Wanted: Nassarius nidus for a phylogeographic study Naiara lbaina