I would like to begin my first editorial with heartfelt thanks (which I am sure echoes the thanks of many members) to Ian Killeen for his six years as editor, from his conception of the idea to evolve Mollusc World from ‘The Conchologists’ Newsletter’, a publication which itself had a distinguished history stretching back over the previous 40 or so years, into the modern publication that it now is. This edition is no exception. The importance of ‘tapping in’ to local knowledge to enrich mollusc recording is exemplified in probably the first live discovery of the Jewel Box Clam Pseudochama gryphina on British shores. Our Society has not missed out on the celebrations of the bicentenary of Charles Darwin’s birth - after all the excitement on television and in the museums, did you know that Charles Darwin also had trouble breeding snails (for those of us who have tried and had problems in this area, it’s nice to know we are in good company!) – read more in Aydin Örstan and Robert Dillon’s interesting contribution. In addition an exciting indoor Conch Soc meeting in Leeds in November has just been announced - put the date in your diary and look out for more news of the content and timing of this meeting on our website as it becomes available. You will have noticed a change in the paper used to produce the magazine cover, which ensures that we only use paper from sustainable sources in its production. Finally, in order to aim for a timely publication of Mollusc World 21 in November, please send any contribution intended for that issue to me to arrive by 30 September at the latest to ensure inclusion.