Published in July 2006. Has 28 pages with a mixture of black and white and colour photographs.
- Field meetiing - Anglesey & Lleyn Tom Clifton
- A snail full... Peter Topley
- Drystone walls in Majorca Adrian Norris
- Shells at Hewhailes Rosemary Hill
- Eobania vermiculata in the UK David Norton
- Amateur taxonomy Jim Logan
- Don't bet on snails
- Baker Hudson Peter Topley
- Phenacolimax major survey and update David Long
- Nora McMillan Julia Nunn
- Invertebrates of temporary waters Adrian Sumner & Craig Macadam
- Black slug (Arion ater) - poem
- A left handed creator Edi Gittenberger
- Duchess of Curiosities Kevin Brown
- Disappointed enthusiast (poem) Jeanette de Lacey-Mann
- Marine Recorder Report 2005 Jan Light
- Oysters & Horseshoes - a reply Jan LIght
- On the naming of boats Jan Light
- West Worcestershire Hills Harry Green
- Conservation Officer report 2005 Martin Willing
- Treasurers Report 2005 Pryce Buckle
- On joining the Conch Soc Phil' Palmer
- Shell Souvenir John Llewellyn-Jones
- Responses to collecting dead shells
- Durham field meeting
- Ancient jewellery
- Scottish biodiversity Adrian Sumner
- Clausiliids in S. Yorkshire Woods Robert Cameron
- The Fighting Snail Giles Watson