- J. F. M. DE BARTOLOMÉ (1981) Some thoughts about Marmorana Hartmann 1844
- CHRISTOPHER R. C. PAUL (1981) The function of the spines in Murex (Murex) pecten Lightfoot and related species (Prosobranchia: Muricidae)
- BRIAN MORTON (1981) The mode of life and function of the shell buttress in Cucullaea concamerata(Martini) (Bivalvia: Arcacea)
- HENK K. MIENIS (1981) Note on the identity of Fissurella impedimentum Cooke, 1885 (Prosobranchia: Fissurellidae)
- A.J. CAIN (1981) Possible ecological significance of variation in shape of Cerion shells with age
- D. W. AIKEN (1981) Differentiation of the radula of South African species of the genus Gulella into three types (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Streptaxidae)
- BERNARD VERDCOURT (1981) The identity of Helix seminium Morelet (Pulmonata: Endodontidae)
- PHILIP CAMBRIDGE (1981) Parmacella (Pulmonata: Parmacellidae), a slug new to the Pleistocene of Britain
- R. C. PREECE (1981) The value of shell microsculpture as a guide to the identification of land Mollusca from Quaternary deposits