Callochiton septemvalvis
<p><em>Callochiton septemvalvis</em> (Montagu, 1803)</p>
Callochiton septemvalvis. February 2002 from Norway (Børsabergan - The Trondheim Fjord / 9 metres).

Callochiton septemvalvis. February 2002 from Norway (Børsabergan - The Trondheim Fjord / 9 metres).
Close up of girdle and valve sculpture in Callochiton septemvalvis. Note the snake-skin like appearance of the girdle and black pigmented spots on the valve surface.

Close up of girdle and valve sculpture. Note the snake-skin like appearance of the girdle and black pigmented spots on the valve surface
Callochiton septemvalvis
Occurs from Norway to the Mediterranean. It is found through-out the British Isles though generally is only found in low numbers.
The map provided here shows the distribution of the species based on Conchological Society data.
Lives on the underside of stones and pebbles embedded in sand. It feeds by grazing material from the rock surface using its radula. It is most often found very low on the shore and shallow subtidal areas but can occur to a depth of 150m.
- Relative broad girdle with densely packed cigar shaped spicules
- Black pigmented spots on the head and tail valves and lateral areas of intermediate ones
- Baxter, J.M. and Jones, A.M. 1987. Molluscs: Caudofoveata Solenogastres Polyplacophora and Scaphopoda. London.
Size: Up to about 32mm long. Shape: Relatively wide girdle with the shell making up 60% of the width.