Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Ischnochiton albus
Detail of the girdle and valve structure of Ishnochiton albus

Photographer / copyright holder
Steve Wilkinson
Detail of the girdle and valve structure of Ishnochiton albus
Ishnochiton albus

Photographer / copyright holder
Steve Wilkinson
Ishnochiton albus
Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Distribution and status
Uncommon but found around most of the British Isles. Generally distributed through-out the Boreal and Artic Seas occurring off the coasts of Greenland, Scandinavia, North America and Britain and extending to the White, Barents and Baltic Seas.
Ecology and behaviour
Found from low water to depths exceeding 500m but most common down to 100m. It is found on rocks/shells. It feeds by grazing material from the rock surface using its radula
Key identification features
- Girdle displays very obvious large oval granules (more granular than the valve surface)
- White or cream valves
References and links
- Baxter, J.M. and Jones, A.M. 1987. Molluscs: Caudofoveata Solenogastres Polyplacophora and Scaphopoda. London.
Taxon version key
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Size: Up to about 14mm long. Shape: Slightly elongated chiton with a relatively narrow girdle - the shell making up 80% of the width.