Calliostoma granulatum

Photographer / copyright holder
Steve Wilkinson
Length = 24mm. Collected from 6miles NW of Portland Bill on 25/02/1985.
<em>Calliostoma granulatum</em> (Born, 1778)
Occassional. Occurs from the south of the British Isles to the Azores and into the Mediterranean.
The map provided here shows the distribution of the species based on Conchological Society data.
Lives subtidally on gravel or soft bottoms.
Conical shell up to 35mm in height with 7 to 9 whorls. Colour is pale yellow marked with red brown spots or streaks. The shell is sculptured with spiral ridges raised into promient granular points. These major ridges are interspersed with smaller ones which are smooth. The animal has three pairs of epipodial tentacles.