So here we are with a bumper edition of Mollusc World. I have been pleased to get so much copy for MW9 such that I was able to increase the number of pages to 28 and include six pages of colour. This, I’m afraid, is not going to be a permanent feature though, it is compensation for 2 of the previously ‘short’ issues. However, I hope that this will stimulate some sort of revival for the fortunes of the magazine - I already have 2 articles that I couldn’t put in this issue. So start compiling! One thing Mollusc World is particularly short on is News, so I would be gratefully if those of you who ‘have their ear to the ground’ or spend lots of time internet surfing would send me suitable newsworthy material. It is not as though there is nothing happening out there in the world of malacology!
The Society also needs to hear views from Members – what do you like about the Society, what don’t you like, how can it be better for you? Use Mollusc World to air your views, good or bad, let the Council know what you think of the Society. Do you want the magazine to be used for informing you of the business side of the Society – what does go on in those long Council meetings before the indoor meetings? Do you need more feedback – if so, in what form? How can the Society best serve your interests? Let us know. In the meantime, Happy Christmas to all.