Identifying common British snails: shell wider than tall and width less than 8mm.

Garden molluscs » Slug or snail? » Shell shape » Shell wider than tall » Width less than 8mm.

Shell wider than tall, width less than 8mm.


If the maximum breadth is less than 8mm. AND the number of whorls is 4 OR MORE, then check the descriptions below.

Discus rotundatus, apical view
Discus rotundatus
apical view

Discus rotundatus - side view
Discus rotundatus
side view

Discus rotundatus, umbilical view
Discus rotundatus
umbilical view

Discus rotundatus rotundatus (O.F. Müller 1774)
Description: 5.5 - 7 mm. broad. Shell almost discoidal, with a slightly raised spire, and with 5½  to 6 narrow, tightly coiled whorls which are distinctly keeled at the periphery, and have coarse transverse ridges with finer intermediate striae. The colour is pale yellowish-brown with reddish-brown transverse stripes at regular intervals. The umbilicus is deep and wide.
Habitat: Moist sheltered places of all kinds: woods, under ground litter and stones, in damp herbage; often among rubbish in gardens.

Oxychilus alliarius, umbilical and apical views
Oxychilus alliarius
umbilical and apical views

Oxychilus alliarius, side view
Oxychilus alliarius
side view

Oxychilus alliarius (J.S. Miller 1822)
Description: 5.5 - 7 mm. broad. Shell with 4 - 4½ very gently convex whorls; spire a little raised; last quarter whorl sometimes slightly compressed and downturned. Umbilicus rather broad and eccentric. Shell smooth, glossy, and semitransparent, faintly and regularly striate, horn-coloured or pale yellowish-brown or greenish, often paler below. Body dark bluish-grey, smelling strongly of garlic if disturbed or fingered.
Habitat: Ubiquitous: woods, fields, rocks, occasionally in gardens and greenhouses. Tolerant of poor acidic places such as conifer plantations.