The BAP Priority Species Review

Martin Willing

I wrote in Mollusc World 6 about the forthcoming UK BAP Priority Species Review 2005. All Society members were invited to obtain the necessary criteria document and then submit proposals (for non-marine species; the marine review is being undertaken separately) to the Conservation Officer by early 2005. A few members submitted proposals or assisted in writing proposal documents. These were duly submitted (between March – April 2005) to Buglife who are co-ordinating all UK invertebrate proposals and then forwarding forms to BRIG (the Biodiversity, Reporting and Information Group who will consider the proposals in detail later in 2005.

The following table summarises the species proposals satisfying the selection criteria for Priority Species that were submitted to Buglife.

Species from original BAP Priority List Main Author Other Main consultees
Myxas glutinosa Huw Jones (EA) Mike Howe (CCW) & M.J.Willing*
Catinella arenaria Alisa Watson (EN) / G. Holyoak* M. J. Willing
Anisus vorticulus J. Hall (EA) I.J. Killeen* (MS); M.J.Willing*
Segmentina nitida Shelagh Wilson (EA) / Kathy Friend (EA) I.J. Killeen* (MS); M.J.Willing*
Pseudanodonta complanata Catrin Davies (EA) D. Aldridge*
Pisidium tenuilineatum I.J. Killeen* (MS) M.J.Willing*
Margaritifera margaritifera Anne Lewis I.J. Killeen* (MS); M.J. Willing*
Vertigo geyeri I.J. Killeen* (MS) M.J.Willing*
Vertigo genesii I.J. Killeen* (MS) M.J.Willing*
Vertigo angustior I.J. Killeen* (MS) M.J.Willing*
Vertigo moulinsiana M.J. Willing* I.J. Killeen* (MS); G. Holyoak*
Newly Proposed candidate BAP Priority Species Main Author Other Main consultees
Valvata macrostoma M.J. Willing* R. Baker*, G. Holyoak*
Mercuria confusa M.J. Willing* R. Baker*, G. Holyoak*
Omphiscola glabra Craig Macadam (EA) G. Holyoak*, M.J. Willing*
Gyraulus acronicus I.J. Killeen* (MS) M.J.Willing*
Sphaerium solidum M.J. Willing* D. Aldridge*, J. Bass*
Vertigo modesta G. Holyoak* M.J. Willing*
Lauria sempronii D. Long* M.J. Willing*
Truncatellina cylindrica Richard Lawrence (Ivel & Ouse Countryside Project Manager) B. Colville*
Species ‘flagged up’ as UK national responsibilities (but no Species Action Plan recommended at this stage – to be kept under review) Main Author Other Main consultees
Leiostyla anglica M.J.Willing* Following discussions with: I.J.Killeen* (MS), M. Seddon*, G. Holyoak*, A. Fowles (CCW)
Ashfordia granulata M.J.Willing* Following discussions with: I.J.Killeen* (MS), M. Seddon*, G. Holyoak*, A. Fowles (CCW)

Contributor key:
* = Conchological Society
EA = Environment Agency
EN = English Nature
CCW = Countryside Council for Wales
MS = Malacological Services