- Editorial Ian Killeen
- Field meeting Sandwich Bay Ron Boyce
- Conservation news Mary Seddon
- Field meeting - Lower Windrush Valley David Long & Rosemary Hill
- Update on Malacolimax tenellus project Liz Biles
- Fanshells near Plymouth Mary Seddon
- Exotic species Mary Seddon
- An elusive slug Testacella maugei David Long
- Freshwater molluscs in a pond near Colchester Peter and Pam Wilson
- Molluscs in Trinidad and Tobago Mike Rutherford
- Stella Turk writes from Cornwall
- Pearls of Wisdom Jan Light
- A mystery object from the Bronze Age Jan Light
- Field meeting in South Wales David Long
- Conch Soc records and the web Steve Wilkinson
- UKBAP steering group meetings Martin Willing
- BAP Priority Species Review Martin Willing

Pearls of Wisdom - Jan Light

Field meeting Sandwich Bay Ron Boyce