
Ian Killeen

This is my last issue as Editor of Mollusc World. I originally agreed to produce 9 issues, but have finally managed to escape after 19 issues! I would like to thank everyone who has provided contributions over the last 6 years or so, but I am especially grateful to the few members who have written articles on a regular basis, often at my request and with only a few days notice. I also thank Emma Pitrakou who has designed every issue of Mollusc World and is responsible for the attractive product we have today. Finally, my thanks to Peter Topley, who has proof-read most of the later issues. Peter will be taking over as the new Editor (see details below).

It has been a struggle to get enough copy for this issue, hence its lower number of pages than usual and its late publication date. Having said that, I hope you enjoy the variety of material in this issue, especially the 2 long articles from overseas members Alex Menez and Mike Murphy, and of course the whacky shell house in Ireland. With the production methods now used for the magazine we are able to include plenty of high quality photographs at very little additional costs – so don’t feel that you have to skimp on these. Remember that they do need to be of reasonably good resolution (0.6-1.3mB is ideal), and other images must be at 300dpi. One of the most difficult parts of the role as Editor is getting material that is topical, current and relevant to the interests of the readership. The Society’s field meeting activities are well reported in Mollusc World but there is plenty of scope for additional items on the recording schemes and conservation. Everyone needs feedback to provide the stimulus for further effort.

Finally, please give Peter Topley your full support and provide him with plenty of interesting articles to enable us to continue and build on this high quality Society publication.

Ian Killeen