
Ian Killeen

I am very grateful again to Mary Seddon who has put together most of this issue of Mollusc World. Hopefully, it will not be too late arriving and we expect to be back on schedule with the next issue at the end of March. I have used all of the articles in hand, so please send plenty of material for inclusion in Mollusc World 16.

I’m sure members will be sorry to hear of the death of Derek Rands, an Honorary Member who joined the Society in 1971. Many will remember Derek as an outstanding photographer who took a marvellous collection of photographs of the British non-marine fauna. In an era way before digital cameras, Derek constructed many gadgets to enable him to take clear close-ups of his subjects. He was also very generous with use of his photographs. He very kindly allowed me to use over 30 of his slides for my Suffolk mollusc atlas and I am pleased to be able to reproduce 2 of them here: Segmentina nitida and Acanthinula aculeata.

A merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers!