Outside of left valve

Steve Wilkinson
Specimen collected by J. Light from Dredge Station 327 Solent Oyster Survey. 23/6/2003.. Height = 11mm.
<em>Parvicardium exiguum</em> (Gmelin, 1791)
Steve Wilkinson
Specimen collected by J. Light from Dredge Station 327 Solent Oyster Survey. 23/6/2003.. Height = 11mm.
Steve Wilkinson
Specimen collected by J. Light from Dredge Station 327 Solent Oyster Survey. 23/6/2003.. Height = 11mm.
Steve Wilkinson
Specimen collected by J. Light from Dredge Station 327 Solent Oyster Survey. 23/6/2003.. Height = 11mm.
Widely distributed. Distributed from Norway south to the Iberian Peninsula and into the Mediterranean and black Seas.
Lives primarily in lagoons and inshore, locally common, but found from midshore to 50m. Active climber on vegetation such as Ruppia, Zostera, Chaetomorpha and other algae especially in lagoons whereit swarms and may be associated with juvenile Cerastoderma glaucum with which it may be confused. Occurs on a variety of algae in sheltered waters. Also living burrowed near the surface and lying on the surface of muddy sand, sand and muddy gravel. Tolerant of brackish conditions down to 17 parts per thousand and also tolerant of a wide range of temperature.
Shell up to 16mm long, 18mm high, 12mm across, plump, rhomboidal, with a distinct keel at the 7th or 8th rib from the posterior end. 20-24 flattened or rounded ribs.