The accepted name for this species is now, Macomangulus tenuis (da Costa, 1778).
Fragile shell up to 2.5cm in length. Colour can be white, pink, rose, orange or yellow both inside and out. The surface is sculptured with concentric ridges. Pallial sinus deep and partially confluent with pallial line; cruciform muscle scars sometimes distinct.
- Brittle shell
- Faint ridge running from beak to posterior of shell
- Lower margin of pallial sinus confluent with pallial line
- Angulus squalidus is more solid and possesses a more marked ridge
Fine sand especially around ELWS. Burrows down to a depth of about 5-15 cm but moves nearer the surface as the tide comes in. Sometimes found in high densities of up to 2000 per square metre. Feeds on organic detritus picked up through the siphon.
Common. From Nowegian Sea and Baltic down to the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast of Morocco.
The map provided here shows the distribution of the species based on Conchological Society data.