Mollusc World - Issue 49

Mollusc World - Issue 49

Published in March 2019. 


3 Regional indoor meeting: M-Shed and City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol Peter Topley
   Including summaries of the following talks:
   A tale of two species, adventures in the intertidal Peter Barfield
   National scale species trends from biological records Charlotte Outhwaite
   Slug and snail diversity in UK gardens Imogen Cavadino
   The origins of molluscs: a molecular and palaeobiological approach Jakob Vinther
10 Whatever happened to the Channel Islands mollusc records? Chris du Feu
12 Field meeting in the Cotswold Commons and Beechwoods NNR, Gloucestershire Keith Alexander & John Fleming
14 Snailspace: a public art event in Brighton Peter Topley
16 Sphaerium nucleus at Thompson Common John Baker, Toby Abrehart & Jenny Jaffe
18 Variation in shell height of Clausilia bidentata: a supplement Anthony Wardhaugh
19 The snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis) in Mexico Kathy and Peter Blackmore
     Snails feeding under water June Chatfieldy
20 Grant applications, 2018 Bas Payne
21 Report on whelk exports to South Korea
     FSC mollusc courses / CS membership update
     British Shell Collectors’ Club meetings
22 50 years ago: from the Conchologists’ Newsletter
     (Cowries in Aden & Africa; How to cook molluscs; Non-marine mollusc recording; Shell localities)
23 About the Society/Instructions to authors
24 Conchological Society meetings diary