Mollusc World - Issue 45

Mollusc World - Issue 45

Published in November 2017. 


3 Some Snaily Conundrums Robert Cameron
4 Lee Bay Bioblitz, 22nd – 23rd September 2017 Peter Topley and Sebastian Payne
6 Cataloguing L.W. Grensted Terry O’Connor
7 Papillifera papillaris at Cliveden: status Peter Topley
8 Sinistral shells – some further musings Tom Walker
10 Mystery of the ‘snail rhyme on a sign’ Colin Mcleod
11 Churchyard Bioblitz, Clifton, Beds. Peter Topley
12 Discovery of the spawn of Onchidoris sparsa Ian Smith
14 Vertigo angustior DNA sequencing Mags Cousins and Ben Rowson
     Corrigendum, issue 44
15 Buglife Marvellous Mud Snails project Kirsty Grant
16 An appreciation of Charles Philip (Phil’) Palmer Jan Light, Caroline ‘Liz’ Palmer and John Whicher
19 Field Meeting: Blackbury Castle Camp, East Devon Keith Alexander
20 Giant snail sculptures in Southampton Peter Topley
21 Melanoides tuberculata: how long in Europe? Adrian Brokenshire
22 Conservation Officer Report (2016) Martin Willing
28 Non-marine Recording – Highlights (2016) Adrian Norris and Martin Willing
30 Edinburgh Museum request/ Snail graffiti
31 A reminder of Passchendaele Peter Topley
32 Mullet peninsula, Co. Mayo, Ireland: Provisional notice of field meeting Julia Nunn
34 Book review: Molluscs in Archaeology Vicki Harley
35 About the Society/Instructions to authors/membership update
36 Conchological Society meetings diary