Published in July 2012. Has 32 pages including colour photographs.
- Conchological Society at the NHM ‘Big Nature Day’
- Palaeo−mollusc assemblages at Greystones nature reserve, Gloucestershire Briony Eastabrook
- Cuttlebone strandings on the coasts of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in 2011 Pamela Tompsett
- Conservation Officer’s Report 2011 Martin Willing
- Gastropod anatomy from photographs of live animals Aydin Örstan
- ‘On the spot’ questionnaire: Christine Street
- Indoor meeting at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution 12 November 2011 Ron Boyce
- The first mollusc on a coin Giambattista Bello
- Shocking Poetry Jim Logan
- Solariellidae: deep−sea gastropods Suzanne Williams
- Assiminea grayana in Scotland Ron Boyce and Rosemary Hill
- Non−Marine Recording 2011 Adrian Norris
- Treasurer’s report 2011 Nick Light
- Marine Recorder’s report 2011 Sebastian Payne
- Do snails & slugs eat butterfly eggs? Graham Long
- Dr Robert Townend Pemberton Adrian Norris
- Book Review: Snails on rocky shores Peter Topley
- Posidonia ‘Seagrass’ Habitats Graham Saunders
- British Shell Collector’s Club events
- Bedfordshire Testacella haliotidea Peter Topley
- Swan Mussels from a Hampshire pond June Chatfield
- Electricity from ‘bionic’ snails from Derek Worth
- North Yorkshire Dales molluscs Michael Murphy
- Oyster mouse trap Jan Light
- Book review: Martin Lister Peter Topley
- Diary of events
- Membership update