Published in July 2010. Has 32 pages with a mixture of black and white and colour photographs.
- Editorial Peter Topley
- John Ray’s hermaphrodite snails Aydin Örstan
- ARKive and mollusc imagery ARKive team
- Granaria frumentum illyrica on Scilly Barry Colville and Adrian Norris
- More localities for Hygromia cinctella Adrian Brokenshire
- Book review: Land Snails of Russia and Adjacent Countries Robert Cameron
- Field trip to Sherwood Forest area Chris du Feu
- Coquilles in the Kitchen John Llewellyn-Jones
- Regional meeting in Leeds Nov 2009 Terry Crawford
- Helix lucorum in Wimbledon Phil Palmer
- Non-marine recording report 2009 Adrian Norris
- Marine Recorder's Report 2009 Jan Light
- Poetical responses to “The Limpet”
- Shells in unusual places Janet Sawyer
- Treasurer's Report 2009 Nick Light
- Rangia cuneata in Belgian Waters Adrian Brokwnshire
- Down Memory Lane Janet Ridout Sharpe
- On the spot David Long
- Ormers and scallops - tale from Alderney John Glasgow
- Book review: Shells Kevin Brown
- Book review: Snail Kevin Brown
- National survey in Ireland of Kerry Slug Rory McDonnell
- Recording, collections and protected species Bas Payne