Published in March 2010. Has 32 pages with a mixture of black and white and colour photographs.
- Editorial Peter Topley
- Field meeting at Winchester, June 2009 June Chatfield
- Skye Blog Jan light
- Distribution of Tectura testudinalis Steve Wilkinson
- Book Review: Edible Seashore Jan Light
- Shells on the beaches of Skye Jim Logan
- Death of Roman Snails David Long and Martin Willing
- Chitons of Skye Steve Wilkinson
- Molluscs at Ardmore Bay Julia Nunn
- Pecten Passengers Jan LIght
- Doto onusta Julia Nunn
- Snailing on Skye Adrian Sumner
- Slugs on Skye Chris du Feu
- Cooking smaller shellfish Bas Bayne
- The white slug of Storr Roger Cottis and Chris du Feu
- The Lion King - a midern use of Money Cowries John Llewellyn-Jones
- Book review: British Seashells: a Guide for Conchologists and Beachcombers Jane Light
- The Highland Biological Recording Group David O'Brien and Chris du Feu