Published in March 2007. Has 28 pages with a mixture of black and white and colour photographs.
- Ammonites Phil Palmer
- Pulmonates on Port St Mary ledges Steve Wilkinson
- Papillifera papillaris in Gibraltar Alex Menez
- No Shelling A. Peter Dance
- Older than they look: Glycymeris on Israeli beaches Bas Payne
- Oil Spillage in the Menai Strait Tom Clifton
- Traumas of retrieving Shipworms Tom Clifton
- Mytilopsis leucophaeta in Britain Martin Gammell
- Old snails, new names Adrian T. Sumner
- The Burren Julia Nunn
- Your data and the Society Steve Wilkinson
- Report on Society review meeting Julia Nunn
- Recorder's Report Geraldine Holyoak
- Molluscs in South Florida Mike Rutherford
- Pissidium lilljeborgii, Lake Gormire A.A. & M. Wardhaugh
- Ruditapes philippinarum in the Fleet at Weymouth Adrian Brokenshire
- Wimbledon Common June Chatfield
- Non-marine BAP priority species review Martin Willing