Published in November 2005. Has 28 pages with a mixture of black and white and colour photographs.
- Editorial Ian Killeen
- Field meeting Thanet Celia Pain
- Field meeting Wyre Forset Ron Boyce
- Field meeting ad - Anglesey & Lleyn Peninsula Tom Clifton
- Theba Peter Topley
- News from Ireland Evelyn Mookens
- Molluscs from La Palma Peter Topley
- Helix in Suffolk Jonathan Welsh
- Conchological Society Website Pryce Buckle
- Happy slapping slugs Ben & Rhuan Rowson
- Partula snails at Edinburgh Mike Rutherford
- Sepia elegans Tom Clifton
- Field meeting to N. Nottinghamshire Chris du Feu
- Freshwater Gastropods of Mauritius Malcolm Symonds
- Field meeting at Bavelaw Marsh Craig Macadam & Adrian Sumner
- Recovery and restoration of marine habitats Jan Light
- Molluscs in the iconography of William Burges Ben Rowson
- Garden survey of Molluscs Pryce Buckle
- Moule Corsicanaise Joe Bauwens
- Book review Kevin Brown
- Correction from Craig Macadam
- The race against slime
- Snail Thoughts J.E. Rudd