By L. W Stratton

Quick was elected a Member of the Conchological Society in 1916, of which he was President 1941–42 and was elected an Honorary Member in 1955. He was also a Member of the Malacological Society of London, of which he was President 1950–53 and Editor 1951–56. He was a good all-round naturalist with a special knowledge of several groups, such as woodlice, grasshoppers and false-scorpions, but Mollusca were his chief love. While his knowledge of British non-marine gastropods was exhaustive, he made certain groups which require dissection for their determination – namely Succineidae, Vitrinidae and slugs – peculiarly his own: as an authority on the first of these he established a world-wide reputation, and the genus Quickella C. R. Boettger, 1939 (type-species: Succinea arenaria Bouchard-Chantereaux) was named in recognition of his researches. His paper on 'The anatomy of British Succineae' (1933) was so authoritative that the Recorder of non-marine Mollusca had to scrap earlier records of the British species and make a fresh start. His last major publication, 'British Slugs' (1960) may be regarded as his magnum opus and is indispensable to all students of this group. No one can ever write about British slugs without referring to the work of Quick.
Before failing health prevented him from making the journey to London, Quick was most regular in his attendance at the meetings of the Conchological Society, where his opinions, offered in his quiet, almost shy, manner, always received the respect due to them. On the occasion of the visit of delegates to the First European Malacological Congress to Juniper Hall Field Centre, Mickleham, on 20 September 1962, he received a royal welcome on his arrival, attired in a track—suit, at tea—time. The writer had the privilege of working with him on Mollusca courses at the Field Studies Council’s centres at Malham, Yorkshire and Juniper Hall, Surrey. I shared a room with him and got to know him well. The longer one knew 'Doc', as he was affectionately known at the centres, the more one's respect and affection grew. He always spoke quietly, yet there was authority in what he had to say. He was kind and gentle and possessed a quiet humour which was infectious. When we were at Malham he was over 70, yet the longest trek over rough country never daunted him. He was philosophical by nature and, during a very dry spell, did his best to produce slugs for the students with the aid of a watering can.
Undoubtedly his skill as an ophthalmic surgeon contributed to his mastery of dissection. To watch him dissect a minute snail was an education. His many anatomical papers were illustrated with his own neat drawings, and his illustrations of slugs in his Synopsis (1949) and Bulletin (1960) display artistic competence. This skill was employed on his Christmas cards, usually molluscan and humorous, though I have before me a delightful coloured picture of Testacella maugei received at Christmas 1962.
Quick was always generous with his time and knowledge. Juniper Hall and the Department of Zoology at Reading University, to which he gave of both unstintingly, will miss him greatly. To conchology and to the Conchological Society his loss is grievous. To those of us who knew him the happy memory of this kindly, lovable man will ever remain. An obituary and portrait appeared in the British Medical Journal, 17 June 1967 (No. 5554) p. 772.
List of publications by H. E. Quick
1918 | Helix pisana Mill. at Swansea. J. Conch. 15: 288. |
1920 | Notes on the anatomy and reproduction of Paludestrina stagnalis.J. Conch. 16: 96–97. |
1920 | Parthenogenesis in Paludestrina jenkinsi from brackish water. J. Conch. 16: 97. |
1924 | Length of life of Paludestrina ulvae. J. Conch. 17: 169. |
1925 | Vertigo angustior in Glamorgan. J. Conch. 17: 223. |
1926 | Shell pockets of Oxwich dunes. J. Conch. 18: 57–60. |
1927 | Oecological notes on the Oxwich sand dune area. J. Conch. 18: 119–122. |
1927 | A note on Helix pisana at Swansea. Proc. Swansea scient. Fld Nat. Soc. 1: 11. |
1931 | Physa acuta at Singleton. Proc. Swansea scient. Fld Nat. Soc. 1: 129. |
1933 | Isidorella pyramidata (Sow.). J. Conch. 19: 322–328. |
1933 | The anatomy of British Succineae. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 20: 295–318. |
1934 | The development of the radula and jaw and of the specific differences in young Succinea pfeiferi Rossm. and Succinea putris (L.). Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 21: 96–103. |
1934 | Isidorella pyramidata (Sow.): a correction. J. Conch. 20: 50. |
1934 | Conchological notes. Proc. Swansea scient. Fld Nat. Soc. 1: 217. |
1935 | On the occurrence of Caecilioides acicula Müller, in the Gower Peninsula. Proc. Swansea scient. Fld Nat. Soc. 1: 286–289. |
1936 | The anatomy of some South African Succineae, and of Succinea hungarica Hazay and S. australis Férussac for comparison. Ann. Natal Mus. 8: 19–45 |
1936 | Notes and records. Mollusca. Proc. Swansea scient. Fld Nat. Soc. 1: 322. |
1937 | Slimming drugs and cataract, with notes of a case. Br. med. J. 1937 (1): 1203—1204. |
1937 | [With A. R. Waterston] Geonemertes dendyi Dakin, a land nemertean, in Wales. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb. 57: 379–384. |
1938 | The medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis Linn. in Breconshire, with notes on the other species of Hirudinea found in South Wales. Proc. Swansea scient. Fld Nat. Soc. 2: 12–14. |
1939 | Hyalimax mauritianus Fischer, a succineid slug from Mauririus. Bull. Maurit. Inst. 1: 57–61. |
1939 | Some particulars of four Indo-Pacific Succinea. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 23: 296–302. |
1939 | On Succinea andecola Crawford. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 23: 333–335. |
1943 | Land snails and slugs of West Glamorgan. J. Conch. 22: 4–12. |
1946 | The mating process in Arion hortensis, Férussac, and in Arion subfuscus, Draparnaud.J. Conch. 22: 178–182. |
1946 | Obituary, Ernest Le Cronier Lancaster, 1862–1945. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 27: 5. |
1947 | Arion ater (L.) and A. rufus (L.) in Britain and their specific differences. J. Conch. 22: 249–261. |
1949 | Slugs (Mollusca). (Testacellidae, Arionidae, Limacsdae.) Synopses Br. Fauna No. 8. Linnean Society of London. |
1949 | Limapontia depressa Alder and Hancock in Suffolk and Glamorgan. J. Conch. 23: 84. |
1950 | The spermatophore of Milax sowerbii (Férussac). J. Conch. 23: 111–112. |
1950 | Observations on Limapontia. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 28: 134–138. |
1951 | Agriolimax laevis (Müller) feeding on mealy bugs. J. Conch. 23: 146. |
1951 | Succinea archeyi Powell. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 4: 123–126. |
1952 | Rediscovery of Arion lusitanicus Mabille in Britain. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 29: 93–101. |
1952 | A key to the identification of the shells of the land snails of Reading area. Reading Nat. (4): 1–10. |
1952 | Emigrant British snails. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 29: 181–189. |
1953 | [Obituary] Wilfrid Mark Webb. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 29: 215. |
1953 | Helicellids introduced into Australia. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 30: 74–79. |
1954 | Cochlicopa in the British Isles. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 30: 204–213. |
1954 | Journey to the Gughé Highlands (Southern Ethiopia), 1948–49: Gastropoda, slugs from the high mountains. J. Linn. Soc. (Zoology) 42: 382–386. |
1954 | Helix pomatia L. with abnormal genital ducts. J. Conch. 24: 12. |
1954 | [Review] An Introduction to Molluscan Ecology, by Alan Mozley. J. Conch. 24: 25. |
1954 | [Report of Field Meeting] Pangbourne, Berkshire, 13 June 1954. J. Conch. 24: 25. |
1956 | [Review] Sites of Infection, by Alan Mozley. J. Conch. 24: 104. |
1957 | [Review] Liver-fluke Snails in Britain, by Alan Mozley. J. Conch. 24: 212. |
1957 | Succinea flexilis sp. nov. from Gough Island. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 32: 203–206. |
1958 | Vitrina major (Férussac) in Surrey, with some remarks on the species. J. Conch. 24: 235–238. |
1958 | Vitrina major (Férussac) in Surrey: a correction. J. Conch. 24: 286. |
1959 | [Appendix to 'Some land Mollusca from northern Iraq', by H. E. J. Biggs] Levantina kurdistana (Parreyss). L. Pfeiffer. J. Conch. 24: 347–348. |
1959 | Obituary. Hugh Watson, 1885—1959. J. Conch. 24: 359–360. |
1960 | British Slugs (Pulmonara; Testacellidae, Arionidae, Limacidae). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zoology) 6: 103–226. |
1960 | Hygromia liberta (Westerlund) and H. hispida (L.) living together. J. Conch. 24: 397. |
1960 | Limax (Lehmannia) poirieri Mabille near Reading. J. Conch. 24: 398. |
1960 | Hygromia subrufescens (Miller) and H. subvirescens (Bellamy) living together.J. Conch. 24: 418. |