The list includes only the taxa of freshwater Mollusca named by G Mandahl-Barth, from Africa or Arabia (wrighti only).
Genus-group names
Acutorbis Mandahl-Barth, 1956, Arch. Molluskenk. 85: 83. PLANORBIDAE. Replacement name for Carinorbis Mandahl-Barth, 1954.
Carinorbis Mandahl-Barth, 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 98 (as subgenus of Segmentorbis Mandahl-Barth), non Conrad, 1862 non Yen, 1946. PLANORBIDAE.
Afrogyrus Brown & Mandahl-Barth, 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 290. PLANORBIDAE.
Ceratophallus Brown & Mandahl-Barth, 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 287. PLANORBIDAE.
Congodoma Mandahl-Barth, 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 155. BITHYNIIDAE.
Conogabbia Mandahl-Barth, 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 151 (as subgenus of Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth). BITHYNIIDAE.
Funduella Mandahl-Barth, 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 156. BITHYNIIDAE.
Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 132. BITHYNIIDAE.
Hovorbis Brown & Mandahl-Barth, 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 292 (as subgenus of Afrogyrus Brown & Mandahl-Barth). PLANORBIDAE.
Jubaia Mandahl-Barth, 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 153. BITHYNIIDAE.
Lentorbis Mandahl-Barth, 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 92. PLANORBIDAE.
Liminitesta Mandahl-Barth, 1974, Revue Zool. afr. 88: 352. BITHYNIIDAE.
Omphalogabbia Mandahl-Barth, 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78:152 (as subgenus of Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth). BITHYNIIDAE.
Segmentorbis Mandahl-Barth, 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 94. PLANORBIDAE.
Species-group names
The author in all cases was Mandahl-Barth alone. Type specimens are conserved in the Danish Bilharziasis Labortory, Charlottenlund and, for some taxa, in the Natural History Museum as indicated below by their BMNH Registration Number.
altior 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 37, fig. 11 (as subspecies of Bellamya jucunda (Smith), VIVIPARIDAE), BMNH1968597.
angolensis 1974, Revue Zool. afr. 88 : 357, fig. 2 (Melanoides, THIARIDAE).
angulosa 1957a, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 16: 1141, pl. 13 (Biomphalaria, PLANORBIDAE). BMNHl99SO18.
balovalensis 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 150, pl. 3 (Gabbiella, BITHYNIIDAE).
bennikei 1974, Revue Zool. afr. 88: 355, fig. 2 (Pseudocleopatra, THIARIDAE). BMNH 1993073.
bicarinata 1967, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 76: 122, pl. 1 (Potadoma, THIARIDAE). BMNH 1968699.
bicariinatus 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 91, fig. 41 (Gyraulus PLANORBIDAE). BMNH1968677.
butiabae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 58, fig. 24 (as subspecies of Melanoides tuberculata (Müller), THIARIDAE).
camerunensis 1957b, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 17: 31, pl. 22 (Bulinus, PLANORBIDAE). BMNH 1968689.
candida 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 150, pl. 3 (Gabbiella, BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH 1968693
concavus 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 89, fig. 40 (Gyraulus, PLANORBIDAE). BMNH 1968676.
crassus 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 90, fig. 40 (Gyraulus, PLANORBIDAE). BMNH1968600.
cridlandi 1954,Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 61,fig. 27 (Cleopatra, THIARIDAE). BMNH 1968599.
cylindrica 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 62, fig. 27 (as subsp. of Cleopatra cridlandi Mandahl-Barth, THIARIDAE).
dagusiae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 33, fig. 9 (as subsp. of Bellamya unicolor (Olivier), VIVIPARIDAE). BMNH1968593.
dartevellei 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 281, fig. 3 (Pseudocleopatra, THIARIDAE). depressa 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 152, pl. 4 (Gabbiella, THIARIDAE).
edwardi 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 55, fig. 33 (as subsp. of Gabbiella humerosa (Martens), BITHYNIIDAE).
eleanorae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 41, fig. 13 (as subsp. of Pila ovata (Olivier), AMPULLARIIDAE). BMNH1968592.
elegans 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 82, fig. 36 (Biomphalaria, PLANORBIDAE). BMNH 1968687.
excavatus 1968, Expl. hydrobiol. Bangweulu-Luapula 12: 44, pl. 8 (Segmentorbis Mandahl-Barth, PLANORBIDAE).
excentrica 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 153, pl. 4 (Jubaia, BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH1993075.
exilis 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 88, fig. 39 (as subsp. of Gyraulus costulatus (Krauss), PLANORBIDAE).
incisa 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78:156, pl. 4 (Funduella Mandahl-Barth. BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH 1968701.
kavirondica 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 120, fig. 59 (Ferrissia Walker, ANCYLIDAE).
kichwambae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 53, fig. 21 (Gabbia (Parabithynia) Pilsbry, BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH 1968681.
kivuensis 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 137, p1. 2 (as subsp. of Gabbiella humerosa (Martens), BITHYNIIDAE).
kivuensis 1974, Revue Zool. aft. 88: 358, fig. 3 (Tomichia Benson, POMATIOPSIDAE).
kyogae 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 134, pl. 2 (as subsp. of Gabbiella humerosa (Martens), BITHYNIIDAE).
luvilana 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 277, fig. 1 (Hydrobia Hartmann, HYDROBIIDAE).
manzadica 1957a, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 16: 1143, pl. 14 (subsp. of Biomphalaria camerunensis, (C .R. Boettger), PLANORBIDAE). BMNH 1968685.
matadina 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 140, p1. 4 (Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE).
nasutus 1972, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 86: 265, p1. 6 (Lanistes Montfort, AMPULLARIIDAE).
nyanzae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 63, fig. 29 (Cleopatra Troschel, THIARIDAE).
nyanzae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 91 footnote (as subsp. of Gyraulus kigeziensis (Preston), PLANORBIDAE).
oblonga 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 279, fig. 2 (Eussoia Preston, ASSIMINEIDAE).
obscura 1968, Expl. hydrobiol. Bangweulu-Luapula, 12: 34, pls 1,7 (Cleopatra Troschel, THIARIDAE). BMNH1968700.
obtusus 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 283, fig. 4 (Bulinus (Physopsis) Krauss, PLANORBIDAE). BMNH1993071.
parva 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 55, fig. 21 (Gabbia (Parabithynia) Pilsbry, BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH1968683.
pilula 1967, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 76: 130, p1. 2 (Cleopatra Troschel, THIARIDAE).
productus 1960, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 22: 568, pl. 2 (as subsp. of Bulinus (Physopsis) nasutus (Martens), PLANORBIDAE). BMNH 1968697.
pusilla Mandahl-Barth (in Mandahl-Barth, Malaisse & Ripert), 1972, Bull Soc. Path. exot. 65: 152, fig. 1 (Lobogenes Pilsbry & Bequaert, HYDROBIIDAE).
reticulatus 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 109, fig. 51 (Bulinus (Müller), PLANORBIDAE).
rhodesiensis 1957a, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 16: 1126, p1. 4 (Biomphalaria Preston, PLANORBIDAE). BMNH 1968688.
rosea 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 151, pl. 4 (Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE).
rugosa 1960, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 22: 566, pl. 1 (as subsp. of Biomphalaria sudanica (Martens), PLANORBIDAE).
spiralis 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 144, pl. 3 (Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH1968692.
subtilis 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 87, fig. 39 (as subsp. of Gyraulus costulatus (Krauss), PLANORBIDAE). BMNH1993070.
sulcata 1974, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 88: 353, fig. 1 (Liminitesta Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE).
tanganyicensis 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 138, pl. 2 (as subsp. of Gabbiella humerosa (Martens), BITHYNIIDAE).
tchadiensis 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 144, p1. 3 (Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH 1968694.
toroensis 1960, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 22: 568 (as subsp. of Bulinus (B.) tropicus (Krauss). New name for Bulinus (B.) tropicus mutandaensis of Mandahl-Barth, 1957, 22, p1. 13, partim, non Preston, 1913. BMNH1968698.
toroensis 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 119, fig. 59 (Ferrissia Walker, ANCYLIDAE).
ugandae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 32, fig. 8 (as subsp. of Bellamya unicolor (Olivier), VIVIPARIDAE). BMNH1968678.
ugandae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 114, fig. 55 (as subsp. of Bulinus globosus (Morelet), PLANORBIDAB). BMNH 1968679.
ugandae 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 148, p1. 3 (as subsp. of Gabbiella senaariensis (Küster), BITHYNIIDAE). BMNH1968695.
umbilicatus 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 282, fig. 4 (Bulinus Müller, PLANORBIDAE).
verdcourti 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 143, pl. 4 (Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE).
voltana 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 279, fig. 3 (Pseudocleopatra Thiele, THIARIDAE).
wansoni 1957, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 16: 1140, pl. 13 (as subsp. of Biomphalaria alexandrina (Ehrenberg), PLANORBIDAE). BMNH1968686.
wrighti 1965, Bull. Wld Hlth Org. 33: 41, (as subsp. of Bulinus reticulatus Mandahl-Barth, PLANORBIDAE). BMNH1966130.
zambica 1968, Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 78: 149, pl. 3 (Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE).
zambiensis 1968, Expl. hydrobiol. Bangweulu-Luapula 12: 50, p1. 2 (Ferrissia Walker, ANCYLIDAE).
These are all species-group names and the author of all was Mandahl-Barth.
albertiana 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 160, fig. 86 (as subsp. of Corbicula africana (Krauss), CORBICULIDAE). BMNH 1968680.
albertianum 1954,Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 167, figs 87, 88 (as subsp. of Sphaerium victoriae Smith, SPHAERIIDAE).
crassa 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 178, fig. 96 (Byssanodonta SPHAERIIDAE). cridlandi 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 135, fig. 70 (Caelatura (Zairia?) Rochebrune, UNIONIDAE). BMNH1968595.
fistulosum 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 174, fig. 93 (Pisidium Pfeiffer, SPHAERIIDAE).
kipopoensis 1968, Expl. hydrobiol. Bangweulu-Luapula 12: 54, pls 3, 10 (Caelatura Conrad, UNIONIDAE). kyogae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 134, fig. 68 (as subsp. of Caelatura hauttecoeuri (Bourguignat), UNIONIDAE).
lacuum 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 166, figs. 87, 88 (as subsp. of Sphaerium victoriae Smith, SPHAERIIDAE). BMNH 1968598.
ovata 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 176, fig. 84 (Byssanodonta, D’Orbigny, SPHAERIIDAE). BMNH1968684.
ovoidea 1988, Studies on African freshwater bivalves, 76, fig. 49 (as subsp. of Spathopsis trapezia (Martens), MUTELIDAE). New name for Spatha caillaudi of Mandahl-Barth, 154, 150, fig. 79, non Martens, 1866.
regularis 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 169, figs 87,89 (as subsp. of Sphaerium stuhlmanni Martens, SPHAERIIDAE). BMNH 1968596.
symoensi 1968, Expl. hydrobiol. Bangweulu-Luapula 12: 53, pls 3, 10 (Caelatura Conrad, UNIONIDAE).
triangularis 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 284, fig. 6 (Eupera Bourguignat, SPHAERIIDAE).
victoriae 1954, Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8 vo, Zool. 32: 173, fig. 92 (Pisidium Pfeiffer, SPHAERIIDAE).
zambesiensis 1988, Studies on African freshwater bivalves, 85, figs 81, 82 (Mutela, Scopoli, MUTELIDAE).
Taxa of African freshwater Mollusca named after Mandahl-Barth
barthi Brown, 1973, Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 40: 369, pl. 1 (Biomphalaria Preston, PLANORBIDAE).
barthi Jelnes, 1979, J. Chromatography 170: 41; (Bulinus Müller, PLANORBIDAE).
barthi Brown, 1980, J. moll. Stud. 46: 212, figs 5,6 (Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, BITHYNIIDAE).
MandahlBarthia Biocca, Bullini, Chabaud, Nascetti, Orecchia & Paggi, 1979, Atti Accad. naz. Lincei Rc. ser. 8, 66: 275, 281 (junior synonym of Isidora Ehrenberg, 1831).