Rostanga rubra rhinophore with 9 large lamellae, deeply and widely parted down posterior and anterior. Mottled opaque white with a few reddish brown spots. Large whitish caryophyllidia near rhinophore base. Menai Strait, Wales. Feb. 2013.
Rostanga rubra rhinophore with 9 large lamellae, deeply and widely parted down posterior and anterior. Mottled opaque white with a few reddish brown spots. Large whitish caryophyllidia near rhinophore base. Menai Strait, Wales. Feb. 2013.
Rostanga rubra rhinophore with 9 large lamellae, deeply and widely parted down posterior and anterior. Mottled opaque white with a few reddish brown spots. Large whitish caryophyllidia near rhinophore base. Menai Strait, Wales. Feb. 2013.