Rostanga rubra. Length 10mm. Perimeter of mantle beaded with white spots. Unipinnate gills rise to form narrow cylinder. Foot extends at posterior when moving. Rhinophores thickened by large lamellae. Menai Strait, Wales. February 2013.
Rostanga rubra. Length 10mm. Perimeter of mantle beaded with white spots. Unipinnate gills rise to form narrow cylinder. Foot extends at posterior when moving. Rhinophores thickened by large lamellae. Menai Strait, Wales. February 2013.
Rostanga rubra. Length 10mm. Perimeter of mantle beaded with white spots. Unipinnate gills rise to form narrow cylinder. Foot extends at posterior when moving. Rhinophores thickened by large lamellae. Menai Strait, Wales. February 2013.