- Editorial
- De la Beche’s Campanile - Stephen K. Donovan
- Spain’s disappearing door-Snail - S. Peter Dance
- A follow up visit to south Devon shores - John Llewellyn-Jones
- Truncatella subcylindrica - A.A Wardaugh
- Cochlodina - David Long
- Oxyloma pfeifferi in a graden centre - Bill Bailey
- Desert snails all at sea - S. Peter Dance
- Climate change and British trochids - Nova Mieszkowska
- Conservation news - Martin Willing
- UK BAP priority species review 2005 - Martin Willing
- Freshwater mollusc rearing in Georgia - Ian Killeen & Evelyn Moorken
- Phenacolimax hunting in Worchester - Ron Boyce
- Dorset field meeting - Lin baldock, Jan Light & Celia Pain
- Digital photography of molluscs - Ben Rowson & James Turner
- Uninvited guests - Liz Biles
- The Cowry shell as money - Colin Narbeth
- Field meeting report: New Forest Ponds - Martin Willing
- Diary of meetings

Bofilliella subarcuata Painted by - Chris Meechan

Truncatella habitat on Chesil beach, Dorset - Tony Wardhaugh