5 Archidoris pseudoargus. Conical rhinophores in distinct pits. Smooth whitish stem, broadens rapidly at base. Distally, about twenty yellow lamellae, alternately large and small, and a very small truncate apex. Menai Strait. March 2012.
5 Archidoris pseudoargus. Conical rhinophores in distinct pits. Smooth whitish stem, broadens rapidly at base. Distally, about twenty yellow lamellae, alternately large and small, and a very small truncate apex. Menai Strait. March 2012.
5 Archidoris pseudoargus. Conical rhinophores in distinct pits. Smooth whitish stem, broadens rapidly at base. Distally, about twenty yellow lamellae, alternately large and small, and a very small truncate apex. Menai Strait. March 2012.