Identifying British Vertiginidae: Columella species


The black and white illustrations of shells are  reproduced by kind permission of the publisher, Harley Books (B.H. & A. Harley Ltd.), from "Atlas of Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Britain and Ireland" by Dr. Michael Kerney, published in 1999.

Columella species

Columella aspera
Columella aspera

Columella aspera Waldén, 1966
Description: Shell short (up to tall) and relatively broad; rarely with more than 6 whorls, the last never expanded; with fine regular transverse sculpture.
Habitat: Coniferous and deciduous woodland, poor acid grassland; characteristically in drier, less calcareous habitats than C. edentula;; often montane.

Shell taller (2.5 - 3.3 mm. tall); smoother with irregular growth lines. Click on the image to the right to continue.