Onchidoris sparsa. Anterior and lateral views of rhinophore. Apex truncated. Translucent pale greyish with up to nine widely spaced, robust, dark, oblique lamellae. From Alder & Hancock. A monograph of the British nudibranchiate mollusca.
Onchidoris sparsa. Anterior and lateral views of rhinophore. Apex truncated. Translucent pale greyish with up to nine widely spaced, robust, dark, oblique lamellae. From Alder & Hancock. A monograph of the British nudibranchiate mollusca.
Onchidoris sparsa. Anterior and lateral views of rhinophore. Apex truncated. Translucent pale greyish with up to nine widely spaced, robust, dark, oblique lamellae. From Alder & Hancock. A monograph of the British nudibranchiate mollusca.