Janolus hyalinus. r: rhinophore. a: cerata anterior to rhinophore contain no digestive gland. l: lateral cerata contain brown digestive gland in lower half. Papillae on face and apex of each ceras. Brown and yellow surface pigment. Hyaline green near base
Janolus hyalinus. r: rhinophore. a: cerata anterior to rhinophore contain no digestive gland. l: lateral cerata contain brown digestive gland in lower half. Papillae on face and apex of each ceras. Brown and yellow surface pigment. Hyaline green near base
Janolus hyalinus. r: rhinophore. a: cerata anterior to rhinophore contain no digestive gland. l: lateral cerata contain brown digestive gland in lower half. Papillae on face and apex of each ceras. Brown and yellow surface pigment. Hyaline green near base