By R.C. Preece

With the premature death on Easter Day of David Keen, we have lost a leading figure in environmental research into the recent geological past, a field of increasing importance as we look towards an uncertain climatic future. The multidisciplinary nature of this type of research is reflected by David’s first degree: joint honours in geography and geology at Bedford College, University of London (1969), and in his academic career, working in Departments of Geology (research fellow, Queen Mary College, University of London, 1972–5), Geography (all grades from lecturer to professor at what eventually became Coventry University, 1975–2002) and Archaeology (Birmingham, since 2002). David’s special expertise was using fossil molluscs as evidence for the nature of past environments, climates and as a means of geological correlation.
David was born in Hitchin in 1947, although his family hailed from SE London and he was brought up in Catford, attending Raine’s Foundation Grammar School in Stepney (1958–66). After graduating at Bedford College, he continued there as a post-graduate, gaining his Ph.D. in 1975 on the Pleistocene history of the English Channel under the supervision of Dr Christopher Green. This topic brought him into contact with similarly minded people, including academics, archaeologists and museum personnel, in France and on the Channel Islands. He maintained close collaborative links across the channel throughout his career, leading field excursions of British learned societies to France and the Channel Islands, and of French societies in the other direction. The recent Field Guide to Normandy (May 2006) published by the Association Française pour l’Etude du Quaternaire (AFEQ) was appropriatelv dedicated to his memory.
Our understanding of the Quaternary Era, which encompasses a complex succession of cold (glacial) and temperate (interglacial) periods during the past ~2 million years, developed considerably during the course of David’s career. Indeed, he was one of several who, from the late 1970s onwards, promoted an interpretation in which much greater complexity of environmental change was envisaged. The orthodox view claimed the existence of only two interglacial periods in the last half a million years (between the Anglian glacial stage and the Holocene). However, David repeatedly argued that an additional interglacial stage could be recognized between the Hoxnian (the stage immediately following the Anglian) and the Ipswichian (the Last interglacial). This view, then somewhat controversial, was summarised in a textbook he co-authored with Bob Jones entitled Pleistocene Environments in the British Isles (Chapman & Hall, 1993). The situation has proved to be even more complex than originally suggested by David and there is now evidence for two additional interglacial stages occurring between the Hoxnian and the Ipswichian, a view he readily embraced and one to which he provided additional support. Such views had been anticipated by people in the palaeoceanography community, who had proposed a series of Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) based on oxygen isotope records from deep-sea cores. These records provided a global chronology to assess events during the Quaternary and the challenge was to correlate episodic events on land with these continuous records from the deep-sea.
Much of David’s evidence came from the study of non-marine molluscs in fluvial terrace deposits, in particular the occurrence of the bivalve Corbicula and the small prosobranch Belgrandia. He correctly pointed out that in the British Pleistocene Corbicula is never associated with Hippopotamus, an indicator species of the Ipswichian (MIS 5e), except where reworking is involved. Together with a few other colleagues, he suggested that the presence of Corbicula indicated a pre-Ipswichian interglacial age, probably attributable to MIS 7 (or earlier). Most people would now accept this view. However, he also claimed that Belgrandia did not occur with Corbicula in Pleistocene deposits in the Midlands and, by extension, did not occur in MIS 7. I had a long-standing, but always good-humoured, argument with him about this, which is espoused in a number of our papers. At the time of his death, he had been working on a new site near Peterborough, which contained both these critical species in what appeared to be a MIS 7 context. I couldn’t resist pulling his leg and told him how much I looked forward to reading the paper he was preparing on the site, especially the discussion on its age.
At Coventry, where the bulk of his career unfolded, he was part of a small but influential centre of excellence in Quaternary research and teaching within what was once the polytechnic sector. Sadly that centre was soon disbanded as the new century began and David turned to consultancy. Amongst several new challenges, he developed an important role as National Coordinator of the ‘National Ice Age Network’, an initiative established with funding from the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund, overseen by English Heritage. His particular brief was to monitor, in collaboration with other specialists, important Quaternary geological and archaeological sites arising from aggregates extraction, especially in the English Midlands, always his stamping ground both geographically and in terms of expertise. This coincided with his new position at Birmingham, where he had made a notable impact before his tenure was so abruptly curtailed.
There is a long list of positions on examinations boards and scientific committees, such as periods as Secretary (1986–1990) and President (2002–2005) of the Quaternary Research Association, Trustee of the Bill Bishop Trust, European editor of Quaternary Science Reviews, editor of the Quaternary Newsletter and an extraordinarily long period as Editor (1991-2002) of the Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. He received the Foulerton Award from the Geologists’ Association in 2003. He also served on, and was eventually Chair of, the committee that oversees the funding of radiocarbon dating by the Government’s Natural Environmental Research Council. He had been a member of the Conchological Society since 1985 and had contributed records to the Society’s non-marine census. He leaves a legacy of over a hundred publications, including half a dozen authored/edited books and more than sixty articles in major journals, with more of both to appear posthumously. As a consultant to English Nature, he co-authored the Geological Conservation Review volume on the Quaternary SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) in ‘South-West England’ and ‘East Anglia and the Midlands’ (covering a third of all British Quaternary SSSIs), to be published shortly. His large collection of Mollusca will find its way to the National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff. He leaves a wife, son, daughter. father, brother and sister.
Professor David Henry Keen, born 26th January 1947, died 16th April 2006.
Bibliography of papers by David Keen
Allen P & Keen DH | 2000 | Uppermost Norwich Crag and lower part of the Cromer Forest Bed Formations. In Lewis SG, Whiteman CA & Preece RC (eds) The Quaternary of Norfolk and Suffolk: Field Guide. London, Quatemary Research Association. pp 29–34. |
Ashton N, Lewis SG, Keen DH & Parfitt SA | 2000 | Excavations at Elveden, Suffolk (TL 809 804). In Lewis SC, Whiteman CA & Preece RC (eds) The Quaternary of Norfolk and Suffolk: Field Guide. London. Quaternary Research Association. pp 177–183. |
Ashton N, Lewis SC, Parfitt S, Candy I, Keen DH, Kemp R, Penkman KEH, Thomas GN & Whittaker JE |
2005 | Excavations at the Lower Palaeolithic site at Elveden, Suffolk. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 70: 1–62. |
Bates MR, Jones S., Keen DH, Walker MJC & Whittaker JE |
2005 | Palaeoenvironmental investigations at the Butlins Hotel site, Bognor, West Sussex. Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Wales, Lampeter Contract Report 2005/01. (Unpublished report) |
Bates MR, Keen DH, Whittaker JE, Merry JS & Wenban-Smith FF |
2002 | Middle Pleistocen molluscan and ostracod faunas from Allhallows, Kent, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 113(3): 223–236. |
Bates MR, Keen DH & Lautridou J-P | 2003 | Pleistocene marine and periglacial deposits of the English Channel. Journal of Quaternary Science 18(3-4): 319–338. |
Bishop AC & Keen DH | 1982 | The Geology of Jersey. Geologists’ Association Guide No 41, London, Geologists’ Association, 30 pp. |
Bishop AC, Keen DH, Salmon S & Renouf JT | 2003 | The Geology of Jersey. Geologists’ Association Guide No 41(second edition). London, The Geologists’ Association, 53 pp |
Bisson C, Bishop AC, French WJ, Keen DH & Thomas R | 1987 | 1:25000 Solid and Drift map of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. British Geological Survey, Channel Islands Sheet I. HMSO. |
Bisson G, Bishop AC, Keen DH & Thomas GM | 1982 | 1: 25000 Solid and Drift map of the Bailiwick of Jersey. British Geological Survey, Channel Islands Sheet 2.HMSO. |
Boismier WA, Schreve DC, White MJ, Robertson DA, Etienne S, Stuart AJ, Andrews J, Coope GR, Field MH, Green FML, Keen DH, Lewis SC, French CAI, Rhodes EJ, Schwenninger J-L, Tovey K, Donahue RE, Richards MP & O’Connor SA |
2003 | Middle Palaeolithic site at Lynford Quarry, Mundford, Norfolk: An interim statement. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 69: 315–324. |
Briant RM, Coope GR, Preece RC, Keen DH, Boreham S, Griffiths HI, Seddon MB & Gibbard PL |
2004 | Fluvial system response to climatic change during the Middle and Late Devensian (Weichselian) at Baston, Lincoinshire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 19(5): 479–496. |
Bridgland DR, Davey NDW & Keen DH | 1991 | Northam Pit, Eye, near Peterborough (TF 230036): Description of section and palaeoenvironment. In Lewis SC, Whiteman CA & Bridgland DR (eds) Central East Anglia and the Fen Basin. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 172–182. |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH & Davey NDW | 1991 | The Pleistocene sequence in the Peterborough district: possible correlation with the deep-sea oxygen isotope record. In Lewis SC, Whiteman CA & Bridgland DR (eds) Central East Anglia and the Fen Basin. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 209–212 |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH & Maddy D | 1986 | A reinvestigation of the Bushley Green Terrace of the Severn at the type site. Quaternary Newsletter 50: 1–6 |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH & Maddy D | 1989 | The Avon Terraces: Cropthome, Ailstone and Eckington. In Keen DH (ed.) The Pleistocene of the West Midlands. Field Guide QRA pp. 51–67; Cambridge. |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH, Green CP, Bowen DQ & Sykes GA |
1995 | Last Interglacial deposits at Folkestone, Kent. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 106(3): 183–193. |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH, Schreve DC & White MJ | 1998 | Chislet, Wear Farm Pit. In Murton JB, Whiteman CA, Bates MR, Bridgland DR, Long AJ, Roberts NIB & Waller MV (ed.) The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex. Field Guide. London, Quaternary Research Association. pp 44–50. |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH, Schreve DC & White MJ | 1998 | Fordwich. In Murton JB, Whiteman CA, Bates MR, Bridgland DR, Long AJ, Roberts NIB & Waller MV (ed.) The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex. Field Guide. London, Quaternary Research Association. pp 41–42. |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH, Schreve DC & White MJ | 1998 | Quaternary drainage of the Kentish Stour. In Murton JB, Whiteman CA, Bates MR, Bridgland DR, Long AJ, Roberts NIB & Waller MV (ed.) The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex. Field Guide. London, Quaternary Research Association. pp 39–41. |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH, Schreve DC & White MJ | 1998 | Sturry. In Murton JB, Whiteman CA, Bates MR, Bridgland DR, Long AJ, Roberts NIB & Waller MV (ed.) The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex. Field Guide. London, Quaternary Research Association. pp 42–44. |
Bridgland DR, Keen DH, Schreve DC & White MJ | 1998 | Summary: dating and correlation of the Stour sequence. In Murton JB, Whiteman CA, Bates MR, Bridgland DR, Long AJ, Roberts NIB & Waller MV (ed.) The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex. Field Guide. London, Quaternary Research Association. pp 53–54. |
Bridgland DR, Schreve DC, Allen P & Keen DH | 2003 | Key Middle Pleistocene locations of the Lower Thames: site conservation issues, recent research and report of a Geologists’ Association excursion, 8th July, 2000. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 114(3): 211–226. |
Bridgland DR, Schreve DC Keen DH, Meyrick RA & Maul L |
2004 | Biostratigraphical correlation between the Late Quaternary sequence of the Thames and key fossil localities in Central Germany.Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 115(2): 125–140. |
Brown RC, Gilbertson DD, Green CP & Keen DH | 1975 | Stratigraphy and environmental significance of Pleistocene deposits at Stone, Hampshire. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 86(3): 349–363. |
Buteux STE. Keen DH & Lang ATO | 2004 | A Palaeolithic Resource Assessment for the West Midlands. Report on the Shotton Project for English Heritage, 59 pp. (Unpublished report). |
Buteux STE. Keen DH & Lang ATO | 2004 | Quarrying and the Ice Age: a handbook. Report on the Shotton Project for English Heritage, 82 pp. (Unpublished report). |
Campbell S, Hunt CO, Scourse JD & Keen DH | 1998 | The Quaternary of South West England. London, Chapman & Hall, 439 pp. |
Campbell S, Hunt CO. Scourse JD, Keen DH & Croot DC | 1999 | South West England. In Bowen DQ (ed.). A revised correlation of Quaternary deposits in the British Isles. Geological Society of London Special Report Number 23: 66–78. |
Chambers FM, Mighall TM & Keen DH | 1996 | Early Holocene pollen and molluscan records from Enfield Lock, Middlesex, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 107: 1–14. |
Clet M, Renouf IT & Keen DH | 1996 | Les Écréhous:: Pollen Analysis and Environmental Interpretation. In Rodwell W (ed.) Les Écréhous:, Jersey. The History and Archaeology of a Channel Islands Archipelago. St. Helier, Société Jersiaise. pp 74–79. |
Coope GR, Dickson JH, Jones RL & Keen DH | 1986 | Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments of the Channel Islands and Lower Normandy. Bullétin l’Association Française pour l’etude du Quaternaire 25–26: 110–114. |
Coope GR, Dickson JH, Jones RL & Keen DH | 1987 | The flora and fauna of Late Pleistocene deposits on the Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B315: 231–265. |
Coope GR, Jones RL & Keen DH | 1980 | Stratigraphy and palaeoecology of peat at Fliquet, Jersey, Channel Islands. Journal of Biogeography 7: 187–195. |
Coope GR, Jones RL & Keen DH | 1993 | Fliquet Boreal and Arctic Peat. In Keen DH (ed.) Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 110–117. |
Coope GR, Jones RL, Dickson JH & Keen DH | 1987 | Baie de Ecalgrain – insectes, macrorestes, palynologie. In Lautridou J.–P (ed.) La Normandie. Field Guide for the Excursion of AFEQ 28th–3lst May 1987. Centre de Géomorphologie, Caen. |
Coope GR, Jones RL, Keen DH & Waton PV | 1985 | The flora and fauna of Late Pleistocene deposits at St.Aubins’ Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 96(4): 315–323. |
Coope GR, Jones RL, Keen DH & Waton PV | 1993 | St. Aubin’s Arctic Mud. In Keen DH (ed.) Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 57–62. |
Davey NDW, Bridgland DR. Keen DH & Coope CR | 1991 | Maxey Gravel Pit: sections, fauna and flora. In Lewis SC, Whiteman CA & Bridgland DR (ed.) Central East Anglia and the Pen Basin. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 183–208. |
Davies KH & Keen DH | 1985 | The age of Pleistocene marine deposits at Portland, Dorset.Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 96(3): 217–225. |
De la Vega AC, Smith DE, Keen DH & Jones RL | 1996 | Holocene coastal environments and sea-level change in the Bay of Skaill, Mainland, Orkney. In Hall AM (ed.) The Quaternary of Orkney. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 84–96. |
De la Vega-Leinart AC, Keen DH, Jones RL, Wells JM & Smith DE |
2000 | Mid-Holocene environmental changes in the Bay of Skaill, Mainland Orkney, Scotland: an integrated geomorphological, sedimentological and stratigraphic approach. Journal of Quaternary Science 15(5): 509–528. |
Derbyshire E, Keen DH, Kemp RA, Rolph TA, Shaw J & Meng XM |
1995 | Loess-palaeosol sequences as recorders of palaeoclimatic variation during the last Glacial-Interglacial cycle: some problems of correlation in north-central China. Quaternary Proceedings 4: 7–19. |
Derbyshire E, Keen DH, Kemp RA, Shaw J & Wintle AG | 1994 | Loess-palaeosol sequences as recorders of palaeoclimatic variation during the last Glacial-Interglacial cycle in central China. In Funnell BM & Kay RLF (ed.) Palaeoclimate of the last Glacial/Interglacial Cycle. Special Publication 94/2 of the N.E.R.C. Earth Sciences Directorate, Swindon NERC pp 27-32. |
Foster DL, Charlesworth SM & Keen DH | 1991 | A comparative study of heavy metal contamination and pollution in four reservoirs in the English Midlands U.K. Hydrobiologia 214: 155–162. |
Foster IDL, Charlesworth SM & Keen DH | 1988 | An evaluation of the quality and character of Wyken Slough and of its bottom sediments. Sediments and Water Group Report, Coventry Polytechnic. 36 pp. (Unpublished report). |
Foster IDL, Charlesworth SM & Keen DH | 1988 | The sedimentology and water balance of Swanswell Pool, Coventry. Sediments and Water Group Report. Coventry Polytechnic. 38 pp. (Unpublished report). |
Foster IDL, Charlesworth SM, Dearing JA, Keen DH & Dalgleish H |
1991 | Lake sediments: a surrogate measure of sediment associated heavy metal transport in fluvial systems? Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing Environment: Trends and Explanation. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 203: 321–328. |
Gao C, Keen DH, Boreham S, Coope GR, Pettit ME, Stuart AJ & Cibbard PL |
2000 | Last Interglacial deposits of the River Great Ouse at Woolpack Farm, Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire, England. Quaternary Science Reviews 19(8): 787–810. |
Gao C, Coope, CR, Keen DH & Pettit ME | 1998 | Middle Devensian deposits of the Ivel Valley at Sandy, Bedfordshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 109(2): 127–137. |
Gardiner V & Keen DH | 1989 | Geological Controls of Landform in the Assynt Region of Scotland. In Singh S & Tiwari RC (ed.) Geomorphology and Environment. Allahabad, Allahabad Geographical Society. |
Gibbard PL, Preece RC, Bates MR, Keen DH, Waller M & Long A |
1999 | South and Southeast England In Bowen DQ (ed.). A revised correlation of Quaternary deposits in the British Isles. Geological Society of London Special Report Number 23: 58–65 |
Green CP, Coope GR, Currant AP, Holyoak DT, Ivanovich M, Jones RL, Keen DH, MacGregor DEM & Robinson JE |
1984 | Evidence for two temperate episodes in Late Pleistocene deposits at Marsworth Buckinghamshire. Nature 309: 778–781. |
Green CP, Coope GR, Jones RL, Keen DH, Bowen DQ, Currant AP, Holyoak DT, Ivanovich M, Robinson JE, Rogerson RJ & Young C |
1996 | Stratigraphy and environment of Pleistocene deposits at Stoke Goldington, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 11(1): 59–88. |
Green CP & Keen DH | 1987 | Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the Stone Point deposits: the l975 investigation. In Barber KE (ed.) Wessex and the Isle of Wight, Field guide QRA, pp. 17–20; Cambridge. |
Green CP, Keen DH, MacGregor DEM, Robinson JE & Williams RBG |
1983 | Stratigraphy and environmental significance of Pleistocene deposits at Fisherton, near Salisbury. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 94(1): 17–23. |
Green CP, Branch NJ, Coope GR, Field MH, Keen DH, Wells JM,Schwenninger J-L, Preece RC, Schreve DC, Canti MG & Gleed-Owen CP |
2006 | Marine Isotope Stage 9 environments of fluvial deposits at Hackney, North London, UK. Quaternary Science Roviews 25(1–2): 89–113. |
Green CP, Allen T, Bowen DQ & Keen DH | 1998 | Swailecliffe. In Murton JB, Whiteman CA, Bates MR, Bridgland DR, Long AJ, Roberts MB & Waller MV (ed.) The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex. Field Guide. London, Quatemary Research Association. pp 57–60. |
Hallégouët B, van Vliet-Lanoë B, Laurent M, Keen DH & Scourse JD |
1997 | The Mid-Pleistocene/Upper Pleistocene shore complex. In van Vliet-Lanoë B, Hallégouët B & Monnier J-L The Quaternary of Brittany. Field Guide. Rennes, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie. pp 47–53. |
Hammarlund D & Keen DH | 1994 | A Late Weichselian stable isotope and molluscan stratigraphy from Vanstads mosse, Scania, southern Sweden. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar (GFF) 116: 235–248. |
Hammarlund D & Keen DH | 1994 | Stable carbon and oxygen isotope studies of Late Weichselian lake sediments in Sweden and northern Poland, with palaeoclimatic implications. Appendix III. In Hammarlund D LundQua Thesis 31: 1–17. |
Harding P, Keen DH, Bridgland DR & Rogerson RJ | 1991 | A Palaeolithic site rediscovered at Biddenham, Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire Archaeology 19: 87–90. |
Harrison S & Keen DH | 2005 | South West England. In Lewis CA & Richards A (eds.) The glaciations of Wales and adjacent areas. Birmingham, Longaston Press, 165–177. |
Horton A, Keen DH & Davey NDW | 1991 | Hicks No 1 Brickyard: description of sections and palaeoenvironment. In Lewis SC, Whiteman CA & Bridgland DR (eds) Central East Anglia and the Fen Basin. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 163–171. |
Horton A, Keen DH, Field MH, Robinson JE, Coope GR, Currant AP, Graham DK, Green CP & Phillips LM |
1992 | The Hoxnian Interglacial deposits at Woodston, Peterborough. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B338: 131–164. |
Howard AJ, Keen DH, Mighall TM, Field MH, Coope GR, Griffiths HI & Mackim MG |
2000 | Early Holocene environments of the River Ure near Ripon, North Yorkshire, U.K. (Reply to correspondence by A.H. Cooper on a published paper). Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 53(2): 155–156. |
Howard AJ, Keen DH & Hollin JT | 1999 | Amino acid dating of a molluscan fauna from Bassingham Fen, Lincoinshire: implications for the chronology of the Trent Terraces. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 110(3): 233–240. |
Howard AJ, Keen DH & Hollin JT | 2000 | Amino acid dating of a molluscan fauna from Malborough Fen, Lincolnshire: implications for the chronology of the Trent terraces. (Reply to correspondence by M.G. Sumbler & A. Brandon on a published paper). Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 111(4): 373–375. |
Howard AJ, Keen DH, Mighall TM, Field MH, Griffiths HI, Coope CR & Macklin MC |
2000 | Early Holocene environments of the River Ure, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 53: 31–42. |
Jones M, Leng MJ, Eastwood WJ, Keen DH & Turney CSM |
2002 | Interpreting stable isotope records from freshwater snail shell carbonate: a Holocene case study from Lake Gölhisar, Turkey. The Holocene 12(4): 543–548. |
Jones RL & Keen DH | 1993 | Pleistocene environments in the British Isles. Chapman and Hall, London. |
Jones RL, Birnie JF, Waton PV & Keen DH | 1993 | Grouville Marsh and Corey Common Dunes. In Keen DH (ed.) Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 117–121. |
Jones RL, Birnie JF, Waton PV, Holyoak DT & Keen DH |
1993 | Goose Green or Beaumont Marsh (La Marais de St Pierre). In Keen DH (ed.) Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 131–136. |
Jones RL, Keen DH & Robinson JE | 2000 | Devensian Late glacial and early Flandrian floral and faunal records from eastern Northumberland. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 53: 97–110. |
Jones RL, Keen DH, Birnie JF & Holyoak DT | 1987 | Holocene sea-level changes on Jersey. Progress in Oceanography 18: 177–204. |
Jones RL, Keen DH, Birnie JF & Waton PV | 1990 | Past Landscapes of Jersey – vegetation development and sea level change during the Flandrian Stage. St. Helier, Société Jersiaise. 145 pp. |
Jones RL, Keen DH, Birnie JF, Waton PV & Holyoak DT | 1993 | St. Ouen’s Bay, La Carrière and Le Port. In Keen DH (ed.) Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 136–142. |
Keen DH | 1973 | The age of the Hanborough Terrace of the River Evenlode. (Written discussion to a published paper). Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 84(4): 479–481. |
Keen DH | 1974 | Notes on a Post-glacial “fossil” storm beach at Les Goubeys and Rue de Galaad, Câtel. Transactions of La Société Guernesiaise 19: 252–254. |
Keen DH | 1975 | Two aspects of the Last Interglacial in Jersey. Annual Bulletin of La Société Jersiaise 21(3): 329–336. |
Keen DH | 1978 | A Palaeolithic flint flake from Noirmont Point Annual Bulletin of La Société Jersiaise 22(2): 205–208. |
Keen DH | 1978 | The Pleistocene deposits of the Channel Islands. Report, Institute of Geological Sciences 78/26, 15pp. |
Keen DH | 1980 | A report of a short field meeting in the Channel Islands, 24th–28th September 1979. Quaternary Newsletter 30: 24–28. |
Keen DH | 1980 | The environment of deposition of the Hampshire “Plateau Gravels”. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society 6: 15–24. |
Keen DH | 1981 | The Holocene deposits of the Channel Islands. Report, Institute of Geological Sciences 81/10, 12 pp. |
Keen DH | 1982 | Depositional sequence, age and palaeoenvironment of raised beaches and head in the Channel Islands and the central Channel. Bulletin l’Association Française pour l’etude du Quaternaire 9: 3–11 |
Keen DH | 1982 | Late Pleistocene Land Mollusca from the Channel Islands. Journal of Conchology 31: 57–61. |
Keen DH | 1985 | Late Pleistocene deposits and Mollusca from Portland, Dorset. Geological Magazine 122(2): 181–186. |
Keen DH | 1986 | A cold climate molluscan fauna from Portelet, St.Brelade. Annual Bulletin of La Sociéte Jersiaise 24(2): 270–274. |
Keen DH | 1986 | Late Pleistocene land Mollusca from Portelet, Jersey. Journal of Conchology 32(3): 200. |
Keen DH | 1986 | The Quaternary sequence in the Channel Islands. Chapter 5, pp 43–54. In Callow P & Cornford JM (ed.) La Cotte de St.Brelade, Jersey – Excavations by C.B.M. McBurney 1962–1980. Norwich, Geobooks. |
Keen DH | 1987 | Non-marine molluscan faunas of periglacial deposits in Britain. Chapter 24, pp 257–264. In Boardman J (ed.) Periglacial processes and landforms in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge, C.U.P. |
Keen DH | 1987 | Portland Bill – Upper Pleistocene marine and periglacial deposits. In Barber KE (ed.) Wessex and the Isle of Wight. QRA Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 81–95. |
Keen DH (ed.) | 1989 | West Midlands. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. 147 pp |
Keen DH | 1989 | Froghall Pit. In Keen DH (ed.) West Midlands. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 29–30. |
Keen DH | 1989 | Quaternary Deposits. Chapter 8, pp 82–94. In Bishop AC & Bisson C (ed.) Jersey – Description of 1:25000 Channel Islands Sheet 2. London, British Geological Survey, HMSO. |
Keen DH | 1989 | The molluscan fauna of a Flandrian tufa at Lower Beck, Malham, North Yorkshire. Journal of Conchology 33(3): 173–179. |
Keen DH | 1989 | The molluscan fauna of the Woodston Beds, Peterborough. Conchologists’ Newsletter 110: 203–204. |
Keen DH | 1990 | Excavations on The Town Wall, Friars Road, Coventry (edited by Soden I). Appendix 2; Mollusca. Coventry Museum Archaeology Unit, Archive Report, 3 pp. (Unpublished report). |
Keen DH | 1990 | Significance of the record provided by Pleistocene fluvial deposits and their included molluscan faunas for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and stratigraphy: case studies from the English Midlands. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 80: 25–34. |
Keen DH | 1991 | A second pearl from the Cromerian of the West Runton Freshwater Bed. Conchologists’ Newsletter 116: 359–360. |
Keen DH | 1992 | Interglacial Mollusca from the Cradley Silts, Hereford and Worcester. (Appendix A In Barclay WJ, Brandon A, Ellison RA & Moorlock BSP: A Middle Pleistocene palaeovalley-fill west of the Malvern Hills). Journal of the Geological Society of London 149(1): 75–92. |
Keen DH (ed.) | 1993 | The Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. 192 pp. |
Keen DH | 1993 | Flandrian deposits. In Keen DH (ed.) Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge Quaternary Research Association. pp 33–35. |
Keen DH | 1993 | Pre-Flandrian deposits, landforms and environments. In Keen DH (ed.) Quaternary of Jersey. Field Guide. Cambridge, Quaternary Research Association. pp 11–20. |
Keen DH (ed.) | 1994 | Sussex and East Anglia. Association Française pour l’etude du Quaternaire meeting guide, l2th–l5th May, 1994. [Compilation and contribution by D.H. Keen, 140 pp]. |
Keen DH | 1995 | Late Pleistocene molluscan fauna from the loess of north-central China. Quaternary Science Reviews 14(7–8): 699–706. |
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Keen DH | 1998 | Hope’s Nose and Thatcher Rock. In Campbell S, Hunt CO. Scourse JD & Keen DH (eds) The Quaternary of South West England. London Chapman & Hall, pp 164–167. |
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Keen DH | 2001 | The Geology of St Ouen’s Bay. In Patton MA & Finlaison MB (ed.) Patterns in a prehistoric landscape: the archaeology of St Ouen’s Bay, Jersey. St Helier, Société Jersiaise, pp 8–13. |
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Keen DH | 2005 | Appendix 1, Mollusca In Tooley MJ & Smith DE Relative sea-level change and evidence for the Holocene Storegga Slide tsunami at a site in Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom. Quaternary International 133/134: 107–119. |
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1999 | Sedimentology, palaeoecology and geochronology of Last Interglacial deposits from Deeping St James, Lincoinshire, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science 14(5): 411–436. |
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Keen DH, Coope CR. Jones RL, Field MH, Griffiths HI, Lewis SC & Bowen DQ |
1997 | The Middle Pleistocene deposits at Frog Hall Pit, Warwickshire, England and their implications for the age of the type Wolstonian. Journal of Quaternary Science 12(3): 183–208. |
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2007 | Age-estimate evidence for Middle and Late Pleistocene aggradation of River Nene 1st Terrace deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 118, in press. |
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Morzadec MT (ed.) | 1990 | Field Guide Brittany/Normandy/Jersey INQUA Sub-commission on the shorelines of Northwest Europe. Rennes, Department of Geology, University of Rennes [with contribution by DH Keen]. |
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1992 | The fauna, flora and palaeoenvironmental significance of deposits beneath the low terrace of the River Great Ouse at Radwell, Bedfordshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 103(1): 1–14. |
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1995 | Late Middle Pleistocene interglacial deposits at Upper Strensham, Worcestershire. England. Journal of Quaternary Science 10(1): 15–31. |
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2000 | Middle Pleistocene raised beach anomalies in the English Channel, regional and global stratigraphic implications. Journal of Geodynamics 29: 15–41. |