By Peter Dance

David Heppell, a member ot Conchological Society since 1959 died, in his 67th year. Born at Gosport in Hampshire on 21st November 1937, he was the eldest of three children, his two sisters, Carole and Janet, survive him. As a child David was blessed with an inquiring mind and a determination to get to the bottom of things, collecting and studying postage stamps, books, fossils, insects, shells, and anything puzzling or odd. Indeed, he delighted in all things strange or unexplained. Words fascinated him and he came to attach great importance to their meaning and correct usage. He developed a skill at card games, such as Bridge and Whist, and became a good chess player. Such interests and skills may have distanced him from his schoolfellows. Even as an adult he seems to have regarded himself as an outsider. He once told his friend and colleague of many years standing, Geoff Swinney, ‘that he always felt something of a loner and that he had few friends’.
After leaving school he studied dentistry at University College, London, from 1956 to 1961. Having qualified as a dentist, he joined the School Dental Service. Realising that examining other persons' teeth was not to his liking, he resigned after about six months. On the other hand, malacology was to his liking. Having investigated the presence on the Hampshire coast of Mercenaria mercenaria (L. 1758), he published his first article on molluscs in his school magazine (Heppell, 1957). He followed this up four years later with a more comprehensive article on this introduced species in our journal (Heppell, 1961b). By then David had made my acquaintance, occasionally visiting me at the Natural History Museum where I had been working since 1957. We became friends and met frequently, the skating rink at nearby Bayswater being a favourite venue. Although there was never any doubt that his preferred forms of exercise were cerebral, he donned his skates regularly and attempted, doggedly and usually unsuccessfully, to stay upright on them. His watchword, from the beginning to the very end, was determination.
David's chance to become professionally involved with molluscs and their shells came about in an unlikely way in 1962. I had been approached by the Linnean Society of London to overhaul and write a report upon the Linnaean shell collection then in a sorry state. Having accepted that it would take a year to achieve this objective satisfactorily, the Linnean Society agreed to award a grant to David for that length of time. The grant was to pay him for doing my job in the Natural History Museum, the museum continuing to pay me my normal salary. He filled my shoes efficiently, but his list of publications suggests that he may have spent a certain amount of his time investigating things that were not part of his remit.
In 1963, after filling my shoes for a year, he had the opportunity to do three years post-graduate research at the University of Glasgow, under the watchful eye of the distinguished marine biologist Professor C. M. Yonge. His research topic was ‘A comparative anatomical and ecological study of European Cardiacea’. The research involved was not to his liking, however, and he never submitted his thesis. In any case, having already acquired first-hand experience of museum work, he had joined the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh as a Senior Research Fellow in October 1966, ostensibly ‘to study taxonomy of the Mollusca with particular reference to the Amphineura, and to continue his revision of the list of British Marine Mollusca and to prepare a report on the Mollusca of the Celtic Sea.’ (I. Finlay, Report on the Royal Scottish Museum for the year 1966). How well he fulfilled these objectives is not for me to say, but another glance at his list of publications suggests that he may have been distracted by the study of zoological nomenclature. For the rest of his working life, indeed, he was involved with the labyrinthine ramifications of this study, not just as an academic exercise, but a professional occupation. For some years he was a Commissioner on the board of the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, his expertise being acknowledged by all who benefited from it. Undoubtedly, that expertise was founded his intense love of words.
Circumstances beyond his control may have prevented him from becoming a model curator, but organising molluscan shells would not have given him the same satisfaction as organising words anyway. Nevertheless, that he made a valiant effort to succeed in a difficult job is clear from a CV he prepared for himself. ‘I have had to design and set up a Mollusca Section from scratch,’ it reads, ‘devise storage and documentation systems, work out a policy for acquisitions, field work and display, and train staff.’ More a closet naturalist than a field worker, he made relatively few excursions into the great outdoors in search of molluscs. Those he made were probably more rewarding socially than productive materially. Delving into the mysteries of molluscan anatomy was not his forte, either, so he may have surprised everyone when he attempted, with some success, to dissect a large squid in his office. Never happier than when poring over books, his preferred environment was a library, a well-filled one being always available to him at home. There were occasions, however, when a particular research project demanded his presence elsewhere. He travelled to the Indian sub-continent in 1982 and 1984, each time accompanied by his third wife, Frances, with the object of investigating the present state of the chank industry. Working under sometimes difficult conditions, he observed the many different aspects of an activity few westerners have bothered to investigate. A tangible result of his studies was the excellent exhibit about the chank (Turbinella pyrum) he prepared for his museum. Unfortunately, he never published an account of his work on this inflential gastropod.
David was prepared to go to extraordinary lengths in his research before deciding he could go no further, tenaciously following up obscure references, never afraid to contact leading authorities for their personal views. Nowhere is this more apparent than in his lengthy article dealing with the early history of malacology (Heppell, 1995g). The notes and bibliography at the end of this excellent piece of work, occupying as much space as the main text, are not meant to be passed over unread! When I was engaged to write a series of six books on Classic Natural History Prints it was to David I turned for help with the volume dealing with molluscs and their shells. The volume we co-authored (Dance & Heppell, 1991) is easily the best of the series. Billed by the book trade as ‘a modern rarity’, it has also become virtually unobtainable, a tribute to David's logical approach to the subject.
He was very interested in the nature of error and how errors are perpetuated, collecting information about animals or disconnected parts of animals which have been misidentified as molluscs or vice versa. The subject of pseudoconchology had long interested me, too, and having collected many examples, we had intended to publish our conclusions about them in a small book. Latterly, David became deeply involved with cryptozoology. Having previously helped me with my book Animal Fakes & Frauds (1976), he continued to share information with me on curious creatures real and imagined. We had hoped to co-author a book about horned hares and he had hoped to write something substantial about mermaids. Death intervened before any of these projects could be realised.
The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature was not the only organisation to benefit from David's abilities. As Editor he produced seven numbers The Journal of Conchology from December 1965 to October 1968. He also helped to launch the Porcupine Society, an organisation formed for the purpose of studying marine molluscs and other life forms in the northern parts of the United Kingdom. In 1986 he took on the organisation of the Ninth International Malacological Congress, almost single-handedly. Held in Edinburgh from 31 August to 6 September 1986. the Congress achieved an unqualified success, an achievement the more remarkable as Frances had timed the arrival of their son, Sam, to coincide with the event! A few years later, under less pressing circumstances, she produced a girl, Sophie. The two children, acquired relatively late, brought David great happiness and he delighted in following their progress through life. Having retired from his museum job, he agreed to a proposal by Frances, a Canadian citizen, that the four of them move to British Columbia, where she had spent her childhood. The move was realised in 1998, when the family moved into the property at Gibson’s Landing, Vancouver, vacated for them by Frances' parents.
Having settled in to his Canadian home, David resumed his interests, especially philately. Both he and Sam had entered competitions as members of the Edinburgh Philatelic Society, David becoming a member of the India Study Circle in 1995. Now what had been a part-time hobby became an obsession. David joined the South Asia Philatelic Study Group of the Pacific Northwest and was soon making original contributions to the study of the postal history of the Indian sub-continent, including ‘A Key to the “Conch Shell” Issues of Travancore’. Regrettably, his health began to be undermined by a blood disorder and he declined rapidly. He died on Saturday 24 April 2004, mentally alert and cheerful to the end. A commemoration of his life and achievements was held near his Canadian home on Sunday, 6 June 2004, attended by a large assembly of friends and relatives. I was privileged to take part in this moving event which proved that David was quite wrong to think he had few friends. He had many, including those who asked for his professional advice, those who benefited from his expertise, and those who, like me, marvelled at the way he gave freely and generously of his time, asking for no reward – the rarest gift of true friendship. A loner, perhaps: friendless, certainly not. David Hurd's sensitive portrait shows the dual personality of its subject, the convivial smile suggesting a man at ease with the world, the direct gaze a man eternally searching for the meaning of things. Maybe that is how David Heppell would have liked to be remembered.
Scientific Papers
Heppell D. | 1957 | Note on the possible Naturalisation of the American Clam, Venus mercenaria, on the Hampshire coast. The Gosportian 93: 51–52. |
Heppell D. | 1960 | Sorrows of a Shell Collector. U.C.H. Dental Journal 22: 16–17. |
Heppell D. | 1961a | Agriolimax agrestis in the outer Hebrides. Journal of Conchology 25: 14. |
Heppell D. | 1961b | The naturalization in Europe of the quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria (L.). Journal of Conchology 25: 21–34. |
Heppell D. | 1961c | Some medical aspects of Malacology. U.C.H. Dental Journal 25: 9–11. |
Heppell D. | 1962 | A Census of the Distribution of the British marine mollusca London, Conchological §ociety of Great Britain and Ireland 7pp. |
Heppell D. | 1963a | Recorder's Report: Marine Molluscs Journal of Conchology 25: 216–218. |
Heppell D. | 1963b | Chaetoderma Loven, 1844 (Mollusca) and Chaetodermis Swaison, 1839 (Pisces): proposed addition to the Official List of Generic Names. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20: 429–431. |
Heppell D. | 1963c | Serpula Linnaeus, 1758 (Annelida, Polychaeta): proposed designation of a type-species under the plenary powers and relevant proposals. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20: 443–446. |
Heppell D. | 1963d | Notes on the Pholadidae, with a key to the British species. Conchologists' Newsletter 1: 33–36. |
Kerney M.P & Heppell D. |
1963 | Distribution studies Conference, Cambridge, 1962. Journal of Conchology 25: 211. |
Heppell D. | 1964a | Comment on the proposed use of the plenary powers to grant precedence to the family-group name Cuthonidae over Tergipedidae and to stabiise some specific names in the genus known as Eubranchus Forbes, 1838. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 21: 410–412. |
Heppell D. | 1964b | Comment on the proposed designation under the plenary powers of a type-species for Eubranchus Forbes, 1838, with suppression of several nomina dubia. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 21: 412–413. |
Heppell D. | 1964c | Comments on the proposed emendation under the plenary powers to Cavolinia of Cavolina Abildgaard, 1791. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 21: 414. |
Heppell D. | 1964d | Comment on the proposed suppression under the plenary powers of the generic name Cratena Bergh, 1864, in order to validate the generic name Rizzolia Trinchese, 1877. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 21: 414. |
Heppell D. | 1964e | The British marine Census Areas. Journal of Conchology 25: 299–303. |
Heppell D. | 1964f | Recorder’s Report: marine Mollusca Journal of Conchology 25: 308–313. |
Heppell D. | 1965a | Comments on the proposed stabilization of the generic name Trichesia Ihering, 1879, and suppresion under the plenary powers of Diaphoreolis Iredale & O'Donoghue, 1923. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 22: 10. |
Heppell D. | 1965b | Further comments by Mr. Heppell Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 22: 11–12. |
Heppell D. | 1965c | Comments on the proposed designation of a type-species for Yoldia Moller, 1842, and Portlandia Mörch, 1857. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 22: 15. |
Heppell D. | 1966a | Editorial. Journal of Conchology 26: 1–2. |
Heppell D. | 1966b | Obituary: Charles John Gabriel, 1879-1963. Journal of Conchology 26: 75–76. |
Heppell D. | 1966c | Recorder’s Report: Marine Mollusca Journal of Conchology 26: 78–79. |
Heppell D. | 1966d | The dates of publication of J.D.W. Hartmann's ‘Erd- und Süsswasser-Gasteropoden’. Journal of Conchology 26: 84–88. |
Heppell D. | 1966e | Comments on the proposed validation of Voluta episcopalis Linnaeus, 1758. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 23: 81. |
Heppell D. | 1966f | Gigantic serpent really a gastropod! Conchologists' Newsletter 1: 108–109. |
Bowden J. & Heppell D. |
1966 | Revised list of British Mollusca 1. Introduction; Nuculacea – Ostracea Journal of Conchology 26: 99–124. |
Heppell D. | 1967 | Recorder's Report: Marine Mollusca. Journal of Conchology 26: 210–211. |
Heppell D. | 1968 | John Gwyn Jefferys [Abstract]. Journal of Conchology 26: 295. |
Bowden J. & Heppell D. |
1968 | Revised list of British Mollusca 2. Unionacea – Cardiacea. Journal of Conchology 26: 237–272. |
Bowden J. & Heppell D. |
1969 | Pulteney's "Dorset Catalogues" with special reference to the Mollusca. Journal of Conchology 26: 321. |
Heppell D. | 1970a | Comment on the proposed rectification of homonymy between Sphaeriidae in Mollusca and Insecta Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 27: 130. |
Heppell D. | 1970b | Comment on the proposed designation of a type-species for Littorina Férussac. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 27: 131–132. |
Heppell D. | 1971 | Further comments on Littorina Férussac. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 28: 76. |
Heppell D. | 1972 | John Goodsir. Dictionary of Scientific Biography 5: 469–471. |
Heppell D. | 1973a | Two historical "Pinna ingens Pennant" in the Royal Scottish Museum Journal of Conchology 28: 1–3. |
Heppell D. | 1973b | John Gwyn Jeffreys. Dictionary of Scientific Biography 7: 91–92. |
Heppell D. | 1974b | The naming of winkles: an historical synopsis. Littorinid Tidings 1: 2–3. |
Heppell D. | 1974c | Comment on the proposed validation of Cymantiidae Iredale, 1913. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 31: 106–107. |
Heppell D. | 1975 | The molluscs In Holmes N.M. McQ Excavations within the Tron Kirk, Edinburgh, 1974 Post-Medieval Archaeology 9: 152–153. |
Heppell D. | 1976 | Sea-slugs and land-slugs. General introduction to the 1976 Edinburgh symposium. Journal of Molluscan Studies 42: 295. |
Smaldon G., Heppell D. & Watt K.R. |
1976 | Type-specimens of Invertebrates (excluding Insects) held at the Royal Scottish Musem, Edinburgh. Royal Scottish Museum Information Series (Natural History) 4: iv, 1–118. |
Heppell D. | 1977b | Comments in Circinae Sundevall, 1836 (Aves) versus Circinae Dall,1895 (Mollusca).Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 33: 144–145. |
Heppell D. | 1977c | The ‘Porcupine’ Expeditions. Porcupine Newsletter 1: 8–9. |
Heppell D. | 1977d | Giant squid stranded at North Berwick Porcupine Newsletter 1: 63. [Reprinted in Conchologists' Newsletter (65) : 89 (1978)] |
Heppell D. | 1978a | Proposed addition of Pulteney's Dorset Catalogues, 1799, to the Official List of Available Works, with a request for clarification of the status of preprints. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 35: 40–43. |
Heppell D. | 1978b | The type-concept: steady-state or big bang? Biology Curators Group Newsletter 1(10): 34–35. |
Heppell D. | 1978c | The Mollusca collections in the Royal Scottish Museum. Biology Curators Group Newsletter 2(1): 32–36. |
Heppell D. | 1979a | Alexander Crosbie and the ‘Challenger’ Teredo. Malacologia 18: 163–167. |
Heppell D. | 1979b | Biological collections, systematics and taxonomy. Museums Journal 79: 75–77. [Reprinted from: Symposium on ‘The role of Scottish Museums in Science’. Edinburgh: Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1979.] |
Heppell D. | 1980b | The molluscs In Holmes, N.M. McQ Excavations at St Mary's Street, Edinburgh 1974. Post-Medieval Archaeology 14: 174–175. |
Heppell D. | 1980c | A ‘Porcupine’ notebook presented to the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. Porcupine Newsletter 1: 187. |
Heppell D. | 1981 | The Evolution of the code of zoological nomenclature pp 135–141 In Wheeeler A. and Price J.H. (eds) History in the Service of Systematics London: Society for the Bibliography of Natural History. (SBNH Special Publication No 1) |
Heppell D. & Melville R.V. |
1981 | Constitution, Article 3: proposed new method for determining the term of service of Members of the Commission. Report of sub-committee appointed at Helsinki. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 38: 163–165. |
Morgan R.E. & Heppell D. |
1981 | Appendix. Cuspidaria (Rhinoclama) adamsi Morgan & Heppell new species. In Allen J.A. & Morgan R.E. The functional morphology of Atlantic deep water species of the families Cuspidariidae and Poromyidae (Bivalvia): an analysis of the evolution of the septibranch condition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (B) 294: 546. |
Heppell D. | 1982 | Index to Volume 10 of the Irish Naturalists' Journal. Irish Naturalists' Journal 19: i–xiv. |
Smith S.M. & Heppell D. |
1982 | [Molluscs] In Porcupine Expedition to Sherkin Island, August 1982. Porcupine Newsletter 2: 128. |
Swinney G.N. & Heppell D. |
1982 | Erpetoichthys or Calamoichthys: the correct name for the African reed-fish Journal of Natural History 16: 95–100. |
Heppell D. | 1983a | List of publications Royal Scottish Museum Triennial Report 1980–81–82, Appendix A: 69–74. |
Heppell D. | 1983b | Index to Volume 20 of the Irish Naturalists' Journal. Irish Naturalists' Journal iii–xvi. |
Heppell D. | 1983c | [Note on shell] In Barclay G.J. Sites of the third millenium BC to the first millenium AD at North Mains, Strathallan, Perthshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 113: 149–150. |
Heppell D. | 1983d | Nassariidae Iredale, 1916 (Gastropoda): revised proposals for conservation. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 40: 237–240. |
Heppell D. & Morgan R.E. |
1983 | Rhinoclama Dall & Smith 1886 (Mollusca, Septibranchia): proposed validation of the customary usage. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 40: 221–224. |
Heppell D. & Smith S.M. |
1983 | Recent Cephalopoda in the collections of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. Royal Scottish Museum Information Series (Natural History) 10: vi, 1–81. |
Tebble N. & Heppell D. (eds) |
1983 | Royal Scottish Museum Triennial Report 1980–81–82 Edinburgh Royal Scottish Museum): 1–78, plates 1–24. |
Heppell D. | 1984a | Further comments on the proposal to validate Cardium californiencse Deshayes, 1839 (Cardiidae) Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 41: 5–7. |
Heppell D. | 1984b | Parataxa and hypothetical concepts – their irrelevance to cryptozoology. Cryptozoology 2: 147–154. |
Heppell D. (ed) | 1986b | Abstracts Unitas Malacologia: Ninth International Malacological Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, 31 August–6 September 1986 Edinburgh: National Museums of Scotland 103pp. |
Heppell D. | 1986c | C.M. Yonge: a chronological list of publications. Asian Marine Biology 3: 9–31. |
Heppell D. | 1986d | Mollusca collections and future policy In Morgan P.J. (ed.) A national plan for systematic collections?: 92–97 Cardiff: National Museum of Wales. |
Heppell D. | 1986e | Index to volume 21 of the Irish Naturalists' Journal. Irish Naturalists' Journal 21: i–xvi. |
Heppell D. | 1988a | Mollusca pp 188–197 In Sims R.W., Freeman P & Hawksworth D.L. (eds) Key works to the fauna and flora of the British Isles and north-western Europe (The Systematics Association Special Volume no. 33) Oxford, Clarendon Press. |
Heppell D. | 1988b | Biocodes and classification [Abstract] pp 35–36 In Terminology in museums (MDA Conference Handbook) Cambridge, Museums Documentation Association. |
Heppell D. | 1988c | Preface pp38–40 In Gibson J.A. & Heppell D. (eds) Symposium on the Loch Ness Monster. The search for Nessie in the 1980's Scottish Naturalist 1988. |
Heppell D. & Davidson K.J. (co-eds) |
1988 | Natural science collections in Scotland (botany, geology, zoology) (by H.E. Stace, C.W.A. Pettitt & C.D. Waterston). Edinburgh, National Museums of 5cotland. |
Heppell D. & Smith D.F.C. |
1988 | What is a Publication? Pp 1–7 In Calder J (ed) Museum publishing [sic] problems and potential Edinburgh, National Museums of Scotland. |
Gibson J.A. & Heppell D. (eds) |
1988 | Symposium on the Loch Ness Monster. The search for Nessie in the 1980's. Scottish Naturalist 1988 Parts 2 and 3. |
Heppell D. | 1989 | Index to Volume 22 of the Irish Naturalists' Journal Irish Naturalists' Journal 22: i–xvi. |
Heppell D. & Pettitt C. |
1989 | Index to taxonomic illustrations in malacological periodicicals p.98 In Meier-Brook C. (ed) Abstracts of the 10th International Malacological Congress, Tübingen 1989 Tübingen Universitat Tübingen. |
Heppell D. & West F.M. |
1989 | Sinel Hornell and the Jersey Biological Station. Annual Bulletin Société Jersiaise 25: 69–102. |
Chambers S. & Heppell D. |
1989 | Aphrodita imbricata Linnaeus 1767 (Currently Harmotheo imbricata) and Aphrodita minuta Fabricius, 1780 (currently Pholae minuta) (Annelida, Polychaeta): conservation of the specific names. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 46: 22–24. |
Heppell D. | 1990a | Unveiled: Satan's murky origins The Independent Monday, 30 July 1990, p. 13. |
Chambers S. & Heppell D. |
1990 | Comment on the proposed conservation of the specific names of Aphrodita imbricata Linnaeus 1767 (currently Harmothoe imbricata) and Aphrodita minuta Fabricius 1780 (currently Pholoe minuta) (Annelida, Polychaeta). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 47: 210. |
Heppell D. | 1990b | Biocodes and registration of names pp 456–463 In Roberts D.A. (ed) Terminology for Museums Cambridge: Museum Documentation Association. |
Heppell D. | 1990c | Lepidomenia Kowalevsky in Brock, 1883 (Mollusca, Solenogastres), proposed designation of Lepidomenia hystrix Marion & Kowalevsky in Fischer, 1885 as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 47: 254–257. |
Smith S.M. & Heppell D. |
1991 | Checklist of Marine Mollusca National Museums of Scotland Information Series 11: 1–114. |
Heppell D. | 1991a | Loecochlis Dunker & Metzger, 1874 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): proposed conservation as the correct spelling. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 48: 27–30. |
Dance S.P. & Heppell D. |
1991 | Classic Natural History Prints – Shells London: Studio Editions 128 pp. |
Heppell D. | 1991b | Comment on the proposed precedence of Polygyridae Pilsbry, 1895 over Mesodontidae Tryon, 1866 (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 48: 141–142. |
Heppell D. | 1991c | Names with number? Pp. 191–196 In Hawksworth D.L. (ed) Improving the Stability of Names: needs and options (Regnum Vegetabile Vol 123) Königstein: Koeltz Scientific Books |
Heppell D. | 1991d | M is for Mermaid. Museum Reporter no 21:4. |
Heppell D. | 1992a | The Shell Gallery. Museum Reporter No 23: 2. |
Heppell D. | 1992b | A Cowry Enquiry. Museum Reporter No 24: 2. |
Heppell D. | 1992c | Comment on the proposed conservation of Laecochlis Dunker & Metzger, 1874 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) as the correct spelling. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 49: 70. |
Heppell D. | 1992d | A re-evaluation of the records of Sthenoteuthis pteropus (Steenstrup, 1855) (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) from the British Isles. Journal of Conchology 34: 125–138. |
Heppell D. & Pettitt C. |
1992 | Index to Taxonomic illustrations in Malacological periodicals. Proceedings of the Tenth International Malacological Congress 621–624. |
Heppell D. | 1993a | Terrors beneath the waves In Headon D. & Whitehorn T. (eds) Man and Beast. New York, Reader's Digest 46–49. |
Heppell D. | 1993b | Tentacles of death In Headon D. & Whitehorn T. (eds) Man and Beast. New York, Reader's Digest 52–54. |
Fenton A. & Heppell D. |
1993 | The earth bound – a living Banffshire belief. Scottish Studies 31: 134–6. |
Heppell D. | 1994a | Isle of Man Post Office honours Edward Forbes. Porcupine Newsletter 5: 234. |
Heppell D. | 1994b | [Book review] A chronological taxonomy of Conus 1758-1840 by Alan J. Kohn Journal of Conchology 35: 90. |
Platts E. & Heppell D. |
1994 | Publications of the Ray Society In Platts E. (ed) In Celebration of the Ray Society, established 1844 and its founder George Johnston (1797 1855) Ray Society, London 10–16 |
Gibson P.H. & Heppell D. (eds) |
1995 | Dodecaceria concharum Orsted, 1843 and Heteocirrus fimbriatus Verrill, 1879 (currently D. fimbriata) (Annelida, Polychaeta): proposed conservation of the specific names by the designation of a neotype for D. concharum. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 52 (1): 27–33. |
Heppell D. | 1995b | The long dawn of malacology – from prehistory to 1800 [Abstract] Bulletin of the Malacological Society of London 24: 8–10. |
Heppell D. | February 1995 | Where the mermen sleep: zoological oceanography in the ninteenth century. [Abstract] In Charting the Scottish Seas 1500-2000 A symposium organised by the National Library of Scotland and the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 8. |
Heppell D. | 1995c | The identity of Melanella dufresnii Bowdich, 1822 and other species of Eulimidae (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) described earlier Journal of Conchology 35: 193–222. |
Heppell D. | 1995d | Hempen tangles and mystical triangles: the early history of biotopes. Porcupine Newsletter 6 (1) 7–10. |
Heppell D. | 1995e | [Book Review] Australian marine shells: prosobranch gastropods, part 1 Journal of Conchology 35: 275–278. |
Heppell D. | 1995f | [Book Review] The Lost Ark: new and rediscovered animals of the twentieth century. The Conchologists' Newsletter 8 (1): 505–507. |
Heppell D. | 1995g | The long dawn of malacology: a brief history of malacology from prehistory to the year 1800. Archives of Natural History 22: 301–309. |
Heppell D. & Gibson P.H. |
1995h | Comment in the proposed conservation of the specific names of Dodecacaeria concharum Orsted, 1843 and D. fimbriatus (Verrill, 1879) (Annelida, Polychaeta) by the designation of a neotype for D. concharum Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 52 (4): 329–331. |
Heppell D. | 1996 | A rough guide to mermaids. Parklife 13. |
Heppell D. | 1997 | Obituary: Rodger Waterston, 1912-1996 Journal of Conchology 35: 517–519. 1996 (Published 1997). |
Heppell D., Smith S.M. & Picton B.E. |
1997 | In Howson C.M. and Picton B.E. (eds) The species directory of the marine fauna and flora of the British Isles and surrounding seas Ulster Museum and The Marine Conservation Society, Belfast and Ross-on-Wye No. 276, 1997, 229-268. |
Heppell D. amp; Sherman M. |
2000 | A tribute to James Hornell (1865–1949) Bulletin of the International String Figure Association 7: 1–56 (String Figure Publication pp 15–25 is by M. Sherman only). |