Tergipes tergipes. Length 2.5mm. Dark brown digestive gland and light brown contents of cerata resemble hydroid. Two spawn capsules, greatly swollen by water after laying, resemble reproductive bodies of hydroid. Sept. 2010. LWS, Mersey Estuary.
Tergipes tergipes. Length 2.5mm. Dark brown digestive gland and light brown contents of cerata resemble hydroid. Two spawn capsules, greatly swollen by water after laying, resemble reproductive bodies of hydroid. Sept. 2010. LWS, Mersey Estuary.
Tergipes tergipes. Length 2.5mm. Dark brown digestive gland and light brown contents of cerata resemble hydroid. Two spawn capsules, greatly swollen by water after laying, resemble reproductive bodies of hydroid. Sept. 2010. LWS, Mersey Estuary.