Berthella plumula. Length 28mm. m: underside of mantle. r: rhinophore. v: oral veil. c: cleft in foot. o: genital opening. g: single corrugated gill attached for two thirds of its length to the right side of body. LWS. Menai Strait, Wales. March 2011.
Berthella plumula. Length 28mm. m: underside of mantle. r: rhinophore. v: oral veil. c: cleft in foot. o: genital opening. g: single corrugated gill attached for two thirds of its length to the right side of body. LWS. Menai Strait, Wales. March 2011.
Berthella plumula. Length 28mm. m: underside of mantle. r: rhinophore. v: oral veil. c: cleft in foot. o: genital opening. g: single corrugated gill attached for two thirds of its length to the right side of body. LWS. Menai Strait, Wales. March 2011.