- Editorial Ian Killeen
- The first all day meeting - 26 January 2008 John Llewelln-Jones
- Retrieval and Dissection of Shipworm Timber Tom Clifton
- 2007 - The Year of the Shipworm Tom Clifton
- East Beach Café Rosie Dansey
- Cepaea Surveys: now....and then! Robert Cameron
- Egg and early stages of development of Spermodea lamellata A A Wardhaugh
- Variation in shell colour of Spermodea lamellata A A Wardhaugh
- River Loddon and Dinton Pastures Country Park, near Reading, Berkshire Rosemary Hill
- Molluscs in the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Mike Rutherford
- Helen Parker, author of two nineteenth century American children’s books about shells Peter Topley
- Freshwater Pearl Mussel - Pearl Fishing - Manufacturing of Nacred Objects. The Special Exhibition in the Museum of Adorf Steffen Dietz
- The New Conchsoc Website Pryce Buckle and Jan Light
- The on-line species Encyclopedia Steve Wilkinson
- Scotland 2007 a vintage year Adrian Sumner
- An encounter with the Banff Springs Snail Peter Topley
- Report of the Hon. Conservation Officer 2007 Martin Willing
- Marine Recorder’s Report 2007 Jan Light
- Non-Marine Recording – Activity and Highlights 2007 Adrian Norris
- How some ‘Roman Snails’ ended a Roman War Peter Dance

2007 - The Year of the Shipworm (Tom Clifton)

Variation in shell colour of Spermodea lamellata (A A Wardhaugh)