Doris ocelligera, heads. 1: Underside of whole head. 2: Lips protruding, turned edge on. 3: Cavity in end of oral lobe. 4: Everted cicular mouth, 5: Oral lobe small. 6: Oral lobe thin. 7: Oral lobe subrectangular. 8: Oral lobe greatly swollen. Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder J. Prkić
Doris ocelligera. L.13mm. Gill pit surrounded by collar with about one spatulate, large or small, guard-tubercle per plume. As gills retract, collar may expand into a sheath. Tubercles; flat smooth inner-face; slightly rounded spiculose outer-face. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder J. Prkić August 2012.
Doris ocelligera. Gill ring of 9 unipinnate plumes. Dark line on main rib of each plume extends to meet others at anus. October 2012. Zaton Bilotinjak, Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder A. Petani
Doris ocelligera. Length 13mm. Large full-grown specimen with ten backward-tilted unipinnate gill-plumes; much darker than mantle. August 2012. Sublittoral 0.6m. Split, Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder J. Prkić
Doris ocelligera. Length 10 mm. Eight lamellae occupy whole of exposed part of rhinophore; transparent smooth stem retracted from view. April 2012. Resnik, Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder J. Prkić
Doris ocelligera. Length 5.3mm. Elliptical outline. Smooth transparent colourless stem of rhinophore, showing yellow pit lining through it. Lamellae pure white, contrasing with darker mantle. June 2012. Depth 0.3-0.7m. Duce Vavlje,Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder J. Prkić
Doris ocelligera. Fully extended rhinophore on left has 9 lamellae on upper 66%. Stem smooth, transparent, colourless, with two guard-tubercles at base. Adjacent orange tissue shows through stem of rhinophore on right. July,2012. Duce Vavlje,Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder J. Prkić
Doris ocelligera. L. 5.6mm. Collar with guard tubercles unusually extended as sheath around rhinophore. Oral lobes and upper foot coloured as sole, with additional fine dark stipple. April 2011. Depth 0.5m. Vir Island, Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder A. Petani
Doris ocelligera. Collar of tissue, incorporating guard tubercles, around base of rhinophores. Bases of rhinophores translucent white, tinted by adjacent tissue showing through. Both specimens, August 2012, Split, Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder J. Prkić
Doris ocelligera. Lengths 4mm – 10mm. Bottom left, dark dorso-lateral bands. Top left, mantle spicules give quilted appearance. Rhinophores predominantly yellowish-white at this site. October 2012. Zaton Bilotinjak, Croatia. Species Doris ocelligera Photographer / copyright holder A. Petani