- Editorial
- Society information Society website
- Hunting molluscs on Les Ecrehou Jan Light
- Field meeting for British whorl snail Truncatellina callicratis Keith Alexander
- Molluscs from Four Holes Swamp, South Carolina Peter Topley
- Bequests David Harfield
Where are all the virgin conchologists? Shona Turnbull
- News from Ireland Evelyn Moorkens
- Colour images
- The Tomlin Archive Jennifer Gallichan
- Wales: National Science Week 2004 John Llewellyn-Jones and Celia Pain
- The French Conchologist César-Marie-Felix Ancey Harriet Wood
- Mollusc World issues 1-6 Index
- Diary

Mesodon thyroidus Say - Peter Topley

Triodopsis hopetonensis Shuttleworth - Peter Topley