Mollusc World 43

3 Treasurer/Book cover competition
4 Field meeting to Brookwood, Surrey June Chatfield
8 Snail farming in East Kent Helen Howard
10 Helix lucorum in captivity Peter Topley
12 Saxicavella jeffreysi from a whelk pot John Fisher
13 Suspected crow predation on Planorbarius corneus Roy Anderson
14 A place of awe and inspiration Harriet Wood
17 Slipper limpets predated June Chatfield
18 The girdled snail in Scotland Adrian Sumner
20 The changing status of the Kerry Slug Geomalacus maculosus in Ireland. Roy Anderson
22 Field meeting on the Malvern Hills Rosemary Hill
24 The keyhole limpet, Diodora graeca Ian F. Smith
30 Omphiscola glabra – current status? Hannah Shaw
33 Ron Boyce (1932–2015) Rosemary Hill
34 BSC/YNU/FSC/EUROMAL meetings etc.
35 About the Society/Instructions to authors/membership update
36 Conchological Society meetings diary

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