The SCAN project: 5 years of searching and still going strong!


Recent snail search results show that the 'alien' snail Hygromia cinctella is still spreading. Since 2001, when snail search was launched, snail searchers have discovered the snail living in 12 new vice counties. It has now spread as far north as Yorkshire! Since 1950, when the species was 1st spotted in Devon, it has settled in a total of 18 counties throughout the UK. In total, we have received 1,029 snail reports and 94 confirmed 'alien' snail sightings - take a look at the map for yourself. Schools, families and Conchological Society members have all been involved in collecting this information – so many thanks to those of you who helped!

Please keep helping in 2006!

Participants can send their results in on-line by visiting SCAN’s snail search website

Danielle Cowell

SCAN Project Organiser

Education Department

National Museum & Gallery of Wales Cathays Park

Cardiff CF10 3NP

Tel: 029 20 573304