Family: Agriolimacidae
Slugs of the family Agriolimacidae were previously included in the family Limacidae. They are usually smaller than Limax, Limaculus and Lehmannia species, less than 5cm. The keel is truncated, turning down sharply at the tail tip. The pattern of concentric rings on the mantle is centred to the right of the mid-line, just above the respiratory pore. Four species occur in Britain, the commonest is probably Deroceras reticulatum.

Deroceras reticulatum (Müller 1774)
Description: Medium slug - extended length 3.5 - 5 (rarely 6) cm. Tail obliquely truncate. Body ranging from pale cream through browns to slate-grey, and usually, but not always, with a dense pattern of darker flecks, especially in the grooves between tubercles. Tubercles large and distinct. Rim of pneumostome slightly paler than mantle. Keel short and truncate, sole pale, mucus colourless or white when irritated.
Habitat: Agricultural land, hedges, gardens and grassland. A major pest of many crops. Probably the most abundant slug in lowland areas.