Recent news

A list of unsold lots will be put on the website on Monday 14 April.  

Book now: space is limited to 60 participants.

The catalogue of this winter's book sale is now available; the closing date for bids is 28 February 2014. 

The closing date for this year is 1 November 2015.

new key to the terrestrial slugs of Britain and Ireland is now available for testing.

 The reports from the Officers of the Society are now available through the Conch Soc website

A facility has been fully enabled to notify users registered on the Conchological Society's website of news items and updates/changes to events and meetings.

The Society is currently seeking someone to act as the Publication Sales Officer.

Many thanks to all those who bid in our last auction.  The unsold books are now for sale at prices below the auction reserves.  To give members priority, the sale is open to members now, but will not be open to non-members until May 1.   

  The publishers of "Land and People" (Oxbow) are selling the remaining copies at a reduced rate to Society members.